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Velocity and attenuation in partially saturated rocks: poroelastic numerical experiments
Authors:Hans B. Helle ,Nam H. Pham, José   M. Carcione
Affiliation:Norsk Hydro a.s., PO Box 7190, 5020 Bergen, Norway;, Department of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491 Trondheim, Norway;, and Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Borgo Grotta Gigante 42C, 34010 Sgonico, Trieste, Italy
Abstract:We use a poroelastic modelling algorithm to compute numerical experiments on wave propagation in a rock sample with partial saturation using realistic fluid distribution patterns from tomography scans. Frequencies are in the range 10 to 500 kHz. The rock is a homogeneous isotropic sandstone partially filled with gas and water, which are defined by their characteristic values of viscosity, compressibility and density. We assume no mixing and that the two different pore-fills occupy different macroscopic regions. The von Kármán self-similar correlation function is used, employing different fractal parameters to model uniform and patchy fluid distributions, respectively, where effective saturation is varied in steps from full gas to full water saturation. Without resorting to additional matrix–fluid interaction mechanisms, we are able to reproduce the main features of the variation in wave velocity and attenuation with effective saturation and frequency, as those of published laboratory experiments. Furthermore, the behaviour of the attenuation peaks versus water saturation and frequency is similar to that of White's model. The conversion of primary P-wave energy into dissipating slow waves at the heterogeneities is shown to be the main mechanism for attenuating the primary wavefield. Fluid/gas patches are shown to affect attenuation more than equivalent patches in the permeability or solid-grain properties.
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