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引用本文:帅向华,姜立新,侯建盛,延旭东,宋立军,刘爱文. 云南鲁甸6.5级地震灾害特点浅析[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2014, 9(3): 340-358
作者姓名:帅向华  姜立新  侯建盛  延旭东  宋立军  刘爱文
作者单位:1. 中国地震台网中心,北京,100045
2. 中国地震局,北京,100036
3. 新疆维吾尔自治区地震局,乌鲁木齐,830011
4. 中国地震局地球物理研究所,北京,100081
摘    要:通过对2014年8月3日云南鲁甸6.5级地震震害开展实地调查,对灾区破坏情况进行总体介绍,并就各烈度区特征和建筑物震害、地震地质灾害、工程结构震害进行分析,初步得出本次地震的一些震害特点.一是灾区人口密度大,人员死亡较集中.人员死亡主要集中在Ⅷ和Ⅸ度区.二是地震振动强,灾区破坏严重.本次地震震源深度12km,极震区烈度高达Ⅸ度,震源破裂在11s内集中释放.三是抗震能力弱,房屋破坏严重.灾区属国家级贫困区,农村民居抗震能力弱,且多数民房坐落在河谷陡坡上,边坡效应加重房屋震害,重灾区砖木和土木房屋成片损毁、倒塌.四是灾区条件恶劣,救灾难度大.震区活动断裂密集发育、地质破碎疏松、地形崎岖不平,又恰值雨季,诱发极其严重次生地质灾害,导致人员伤亡,造成灾区大面积交通、通信、电力中断,救援物资与救援力量无法及时发挥作用.

关 键 词:地震现场  云南鲁甸地震  地震灾害  烈度  震害特点

Hazard Analysis on the Characteristics of the M6.5 Ludian Earthquake
Shuai Xianghu,Jiang Lixin,Hou Jiansheng,Yan Xudong,Song Lijun and Liu Aiwen. Hazard Analysis on the Characteristics of the M6.5 Ludian Earthquake[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2014, 9(3): 340-358
Authors:Shuai Xianghu  Jiang Lixin  Hou Jiansheng  Yan Xudong  Song Lijun  Liu Aiwen
Affiliation:China Earthquake Networks Center, Beijing 100045, China;China Earthquake Networks Center, Beijing 100045, China;China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100036, China;China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100036, China;Seismological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830011, China;Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract:In this paper, through the investigation of M6.5 Ludian earthquake on August 3, 2014, we introduce the general earthquake disaster and analyze the features of different intensity region. Meanwhile, we analyze building earthquake disaster, seismic geological disaster and engineering earthquake disaster. We obtained four initial disaster characteristics of this earthquake. First, disaster area population is large and deaths are concentrated. Deaths are mostly in the VIII and IX region. Second, strong shaking and serious damage are in the disaster area. The earthquake hypocenter depth is 12 km, earthquake intensity reached IX and rupture in focus released within 11 seconds. Third, weak seismic capacity and serious damage are in disaster area. Disaster area is a poverty country. There are a large number of weak earthquake-resistant rural buildings. And most houses are located on the steep slopes of river valleys. So the aggravated effect of seismic damage for slope is obvious. The brick and wood houses damage, even collapse into the film. Fourth, disaster response is difficult in the poor disaster conditions. There are quake-dense active faults, geological break loose, rugged terrain and coincides with the rainy season. There induce severe secondary geological disasters, causing large traffic, communications, power outages in the disaster areas. Relief supplies and rescue force will be unable to play a role.
Keywords:Earthquake local  Ludian earthquake   Intensity   Earthquake hazard   Hazard characteristics
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