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引用本文:范明明,裴向军,杜杰,肖维阳,周立宏,杨华阳. 改性糯米灰浆的室内研究及在九寨沟钙华地质裂缝修复中的应用[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2020, 47(4): 183-190. DOI: 10.16030/j.cnki.issn.1000-3665.201911043
作者姓名:范明明  裴向军  杜杰  肖维阳  周立宏  杨华阳
摘    要:我国有着大面积的钙华地区,国内外学者对钙华的形成及影响因素进行了大量的研究,但针对钙华地区地质裂缝生态修复材料及工艺还鲜有研究。文章以九寨沟风景区震后地质裂缝为研究对象,结合水文条件及钙华颗粒的性质,在传统糯米灰浆的基础上,通过掺入不同比例的原料、改性剂及一定级配的钙华颗粒,研制出一种性能优良的灌浆材料,并对其流动性、凝结时间、抗压强度及抗折强度进行测试。室内试验表明:该材料具有流动性好、凝结时间可控、强度高、可水下浇筑等特点;空气中养护试样的各项指标均优于水中养护的试样。优选裂缝修复配合比为:糯米浆0.6~0.64份、石膏1.19份、石灰0.29份、钙华颗粒1份、改性剂1# 0.07份、改性剂2# 1.19%份,浆液可泵期63~86 min,初凝时间74~98 min,终凝时间92~125 min。改性糯米灰浆在九寨沟修复裂缝、加固崖体现场修复试验中取得了良好的效果,将流水漏失量由原来的50%降低至3%,较好的恢复了瀑布景观。应用表明改性糯米灰浆与钙华颗粒具有较好的相容性,可改善钙华颗粒的原生孔隙结构,促进钙华景观的生长。

关 键 词:改性糯米灰浆   可控凝结时间   高早期强度   钙华地质裂缝   生态修复

A laboratory study of modified glutinous rice mortar and its application to repair travertine geological cracks in Jiuzhaigou
Abstract:There is a large area of travertine in China. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of research on the formation and influencing factors of travertine, but the ecological restoration materials and techniques for geological cracks in travertine areas were seldom examined. The post-earthquake geological fissures in the Jiuzhaigou scenic area is taken as the research object. Combined with hydrological conditions and the properties of travertine particles, and on the basis of traditional glutinous rice mortar, this paper develops a kind of grouting material with excellent performance by mixing different proportions raw materials, modifier and certain graded travertine particles, and its fluidity, setting time, compressive strength and flexural strength are tested. The laboratory tests show that the material is characterized by good fluidity, controllable setting time, high strength and underwater casting. The indexes of specimens curing in air are better than those of specimens curing in water. The optimum mixing ratio of cracks restoration is 0.6~0.64 copies of glutinous rice slurry, 1.19 copies of gypsum, 0.29 copies of lime, 1 copies of travertine particles, 0.07 copies of modifier 1# and 1.19% copies of modifier 2#. The pumpable period of the slurry is 63~86 min, the initial setting time is 74~98 min and the final setting time is 92~125 min. In the field experiment of repairing cracks and strengthening cliff body in Jiuzhaigou, the modified glutinous rice mortar has achieved good results, reducing the water leakage from 50% to 3%, and recovering the waterfall landscape. The results show that the modified glutinous rice mortar is of good compatibility with travertine particles, which can improve the original pore structure of travertine particles, promote the growth of travertine landscape.
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