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Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of the Hydrothermal Clay Alteration in South Korea
Authors:Sang-Mo KOH,Tetsuichi TAKAGI,Moon&ndash  Young KIM,Kazuki NAITO,Sei&ndash  Sun HONG,Sadahisa SUDO
Affiliation:Geology Division, Korea Institute of Geology, Mining and Materials, 30, Kajung–dong, Yusung–ku, Taejon, Korea 305–350 [e-mail: ];Mineral and Fuel Resources Department, Geological Survey of Japan, 1–1–3 Higashi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–8567, Japan
Abstract:Abstract: Hydrothermally altered areas forming pyrophyllite‐kaolin‐sericite‐alunite deposits are distributed in Chonnam and Kyongsang areas, Cretaceous volcanic field of the Yuchon Group. The Chonnam alteration area is located within depression zone which is composed of volcanic and granitic rocks of late Cretaceous age. The clay deposits of this area show the genetic relationship with silicic lava domes. The Kyongsang alteration area is mainly distributed within Kyongsang Basin comprising volcanic, sedimentary and granitic rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age. Most of the clay deposits of this area are closely related to cauldrons. Paleozoic clay deposit occurs in the contact zone between Precambrian Hongjesa granite gneiss and Paleozoic Jangsan quartzite of Choson Supergroup. Cretaceous igneous rocks of the both alteration areas belong to high K calc‐alkaline series formed in the volcanic arc of continental margin by subduction‐related magmatism. Chonnam igneous rocks show more enrichment of crustal components such as K, La, Ce, Sm, Nd and Ba, higher (La/Yb)cn ratio, and higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0. 708 to 0. 712) than those of Kyongsang igneous rocks. This might be due to the difference of degree of crustal contamination during Cretaceous magmatism. The most characteristic alteration minerals of Chonnam clay deposits are alunite, kaolin, quartz, pyrophyllite and diaspore which were formed by acidic solution. Those of Kyongsang clay deposits are sericite, quartz and pyrophyllite which were formed by weak acid and neutral solution. The formation ages of the clay deposits of two alteration areas range from 70. 1 to 81. 4 Ma and 39. 7 to 79. 4 Ma, respectively. The Daehyun clay deposit in Ponghwa area of Kyongsang province shows the alteration age range from 290 to 336 Ma. This result shows the different alteration episode from the hydrothermal alteration of Cretaceous to early Tertiary in the Kyongsang and Chonnam alteration areas. These data indicate, at least, three hydrothermal activities of Tertiary (middle to late Eocene), late Cretaceous (Santonian to Maastrichtian) and Paleozoic Carboniferous Periods in South Korea.
Keywords:clay deposits    volcanic arc    continental margin    Cretaceous magmatism    acidic solution    neutral solution    hydrothermal activities
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