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Post-collisional tectonics of the Turkish-Iranian plateau and a comparison with Tibet
Authors:A M C engr  W S F Kidd
Institution:A. M. C. Image engör,W. S. F. Kidd
Abstract:The Turkish-Iranian Plateau (Fig. 1) is a high region with an average elevation of about 1.5 km. During the late Miocene the last piece of oceanic lithosphere between the Eurasian and Arabian continents was eliminated at the Bitlis/Zagros suture zone. Continued convergence across the collision site resulted in the shortening of the plateau across strike by thickening and by sideways motion of parts of it. Predominantly calcalkaline volcanism is present on the highest portions of the area, despite the absence of a descending slab of lithosphere. Surface geology and volcanism of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau resemble greatly those of the Tibetan Plateau, and both are underlain by a zone of seismic attenuation. From a comparison of these features and their tectonic setting we argue that the two plateaux are homologous structures, albeit at different stages of their evolution. Both areas appear to be tectonically alive and actively shortening. Available evidence lends little support to the hypothesis of large-scale underthrusting of continental lithosphere and of plastic-rigid indentation where such high plateaux, located directly in front of the “rigid indenter”, are considered to be tectonically “dead”. Their peculiar features are best explained in terms of shortening and thickening the continental crust whereby its lower levels are partially melted to give rise to calc-alkaline surface volcanism. Minor associated alkaline volcanism may be due to local longitudinal cracking of the crust to provide access to mantle.
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