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Power Spectra and Cospectra for Wind and Scalars in a Disturbed Surface Layer at the Base of an Advective Inversion
Authors:K. G. McNaughton  J. Laubach
Affiliation:(1) Station de Bioclimatologie –, INRA, B.P. 81, 33883 Villenave d'Ornon cedex, France E-mail;(2) Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie, Postfach 10 01 64, D-07701 Jena, Germany
Abstract:This paper reports power spectra and cospectra of windspeed and several scalars measured at two heights nearthe base of an advective inversion. The inversion hadformed over a paddy field downwind of an extensive dryregion. Winds over the paddy field were variable instrength and direction, as a result of convectivemotions in the atmospheric boundary layer passing overfrom the dry region upwind. Fetch over the rice waslarge enough that advective effects on the transportprocesses were small at the upper level and negligibleat the lower level. Results from the lower level areinterpreted in terms of a horizontally homogeneous,but disturbed, surface layer.Power spectra of longitudinal and lateral velocitywere substantially enhanced at low frequencies. Theresulting vertical motions added only a small amountto the spectrum of vertical velocity but this stronglyaffected scalar power spectra and cospectra. Thesewere all substantially enhanced over a range of lowfrequencies. We also found that differences in lowerboundary conditions cause differences among scalarspectra at low frequencies.Our analysis shows that the spectra and cospectra havethree components, characterized by different scalingregimes. We call these the ILS (inner-layer scaling),OLS (outer-layer scaling) and CS (combined scaling)components. Of these, the CS component had notpreviously been identified. We identify CS componentsof spectra by their independence of height andfrequency. Spectra with these characteristics had beenpredicted by Kader and Yaglom for a layer of theatmosphere where spectral matching between ILS and OLSwas proposed. However, we find that the velocity andscalar scales used by Kader and Yaglom do not fit ourresults and that their concept of a matching layer isincompatible with our application. An alternativebasis for this behaviour and alternative scales areproposed.We compare our decomposition of spectra into ILS, CSand OLS components with an extended form of Townsend'shypothesis, in which wind and scalar fluctuations aredivided into lsquoactiversquo and lsquoinactiversquo components. Wefind the schemes are compatible if we identify all OLSspectral components as inactive, and all CS and ILScomponents as active.By extending the implications of our results toordinary unstable daytime conditions,we predict that classical Monin–Obukhovsimilarity theory should be modified. We find that theheight of the convective boundary layer is animportant parameter when describing transportprocesses near the ground, and that the scalar scalein the ILS part of the spectrum, which includes theinertial subrange, is proportional to observationheight times the local mean scalar gradient, and notthe Monin–Obukhov scalar scale parameter. The formerdepends on two stability parameters: the Monin–Obukhovstability parameter and the ratio of the inner-layerand outer-layer velocity scales. The outer-layer scalecan reflect disturbances by topographically-inducededdying as well as by convective motions.
Keywords:Unsteadiness  Scalar transport  Townsend's hypothesis  Active and inactive turbulence  Advection  Monin–  Obukhov similarity theory
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