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引用本文:温瑞艳,庞奖励,黄春长,查小春,周亚利,雷晨,炊郁达,毛沛妮. 天水樊家城黄土剖面记录的全新世环境及人地关系变化研究[J]. 沉积学报, 2020, 38(2): 349-357. DOI: 10.14027/j.issn.1000-0550.2019.016
作者姓名:温瑞艳  庞奖励  黄春长  查小春  周亚利  雷晨  炊郁达  毛沛妮
作者单位:陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,地理学国家级实验教学示范中心,西安 710062
摘    要:对天水樊家城剖面的地层、磁化率、粒度、CaCO3等进行分析,探讨了该地区全新世环境演变与人类活动的关系。结果表明:黄土层中磁化率、 < 5 μm黏粒含量和黏粉比值明显偏低, > 50 μm砂粒含量、CaCO3值明显偏高,而古土壤层中磁化率、黏粒含量则达到峰值, > 50 μm砂粒含量、CaCO3值明显偏低,其风化成壤强度呈现出马兰黄土L1→过渡性黄土Lt→古土壤S0逐渐升高、全新世黄土L0降低的特征。它反映末次冰期结束后(?~8 500 a B.P.),气候逐渐转暖转湿,但仍较干冷,动植物资源不足,难以满足人类的生存和发展的需求,研究区内人类活动的强度很弱。全新世中期(8 500~3 100 a B.P.),气候温暖湿润,人类活动强度增大,原始定居农业得到极大发展,普遍出现以大地湾文化、仰韶文化、马家窑文化、齐家文化为代表的人类文化;其中,6 000~5 000 a B.P.气候出现干凉化趋势,但该时期人类文化依然获得了发展。全新世晚期(3 100 a B.P.以来),东亚季风格局发生转变,气候转为较干冷,致使区域自然环境发生变化,区内逐渐兴盛游牧文化。近代以来随着人口、生产力水平等因素的影响,人类活动对环境的影响持续增强,土地利用方式以农耕为主。

关 键 词:天水地区   黄土   全新世   环境变化   人地关系

Environmental Change and Evolution of the Man-Land Relationship during the Holocene Recorded in the Fanjiacheng Profile,Tianshui Area
Affiliation:College of Geography and Tourism, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Geography Education, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China
Abstract:The stratigraphic, magnetic susceptibility, grain size and CaCO3 profiles of the Fanjiacheng (FJC) in Tianshui were analyzed to explore the relationship between Holocene environmental evolution and human activities in the region. The results are as follows: Magnetic susceptibility < 5 μm clay content and clay/silt ratio in the loess layer were significantly lower; > 50 μm sand content and CaCO3 value were clearly higher; and the magnetic susceptibility and clay content in the paleosol layer peaked at > 50 μm sand content, and CaCO3 content is obviously less. This weathering and pedogenic intensity indicates that Malan loess L1 → transitional loess Lt → paleosol S0 gradually increased and Holocene loess Lo decreased. This reflects that although the climate gradually became warmer and wetter following the end of the last glacial period (? ~8 500 a B.P.), it was still dry and cold. Animal and plant resources are insufficient to adequately meet the needs of human survival and development, and the intensity of human activity in the research area was very weak. In the middle of the Holocene (8 500-3 100 a B.P.), the climate was warm and humid, and the intensity of human activity increased. Primitive settlement agriculture developed greatly and human cultures (the Dadiwan, Yangshao, Majiayao and Qijia cultures) generally appeared. The climate in 6 000-5 000 a B.P. showed a drying and cooling trend, but human cultures continued to develop during this period. In the late Holocene (3 100-0 a B.P.), the east Asian monsoon pattern changed and the climate has become drier and colder, leading to changes in the regional natural environment. Nomadic cultures gradually flourished in the region. In recent years, due to the increase in population and the development and strengthening of production technology, the influence of human activities on the environment has continued to increase, and the land-use pattern was still dominated by farming.
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