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Sr–Nd isotope ratios of gabbroic and dioritic rocks in a Cretaceous-Paleogene granite terrain, Southwest Japan
Authors:Shigeru Iizumi  Teruyoshi Imaoka and  Hiroo Kagami
Affiliation:Department of Geoscience, Shimane University, Matsue 690-8504, Japan (email:;), Department of Earth Sciences, Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi 753-8512, Japan,; Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan
Abstract:Abstract Whole‐rock chemical and Sr and Nd isotope data are presented for gabbroic and dioritic rocks from a Cretaceous‐Paleogene granitic terrain in Southwest Japan. Age data indicate that they were emplaced in the late Cretaceous during the early stages of a voluminous intermediate‐felsic magmatic episode in Southwest Japan. Although these gabbroic and dioritic rocks have similar major and trace element chemistry, they show regional variations in terms of initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios. Samples from the South Zone have high initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.7063–0.7076) and low initial Nd isotope ratios (?Nd, ?2.5 to ?5.3); whereas those from the North Zone have lower initial 87Sr/86Sr (usually less than 0.7060) and higher Nd isotope ratios (?Nd, ?0.8 to + 3.3). Regional variations in Sr and Nd isotope ratios are similar to those observed in granitic rocks, although gabbroic and dioritic rocks tend to have slightly lower Sr and higher Nd isotope ratios than granitic rocks in the respective zones. Limited variations in Sr and Nd isotope ratios among samples from individual zones may be attributed partly to a combination of upper crustal contamination and heterogeneity of the magma source. Contamination of magmas by upper crustal material cannot, however, explain the observed Sr and Nd isotope variations between samples from the North and South Zones. Between‐zone variations would reflect geochemical difference in magma sources. The gabbroic and dioritic rocks are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE), showing similar normal‐type mid‐ocean ridge basalt (N‐MORB) normalized patterns to arc magmas. Geochronological and isotopic data may suggest that some gabbroic and dioritic rocks are genetically related to high magnesian andesite. Alternatively, mantle‐derived mafic or intermediate rocks which were underplated beneath the crust may be also plausible sources for gabbroic and dioritic rocks. The magma sources (the mantle wedge and lower crust) were isotopically more enriched beneath the South Zone than the North Zone during the Cretaceous‐Paleogene. Sr and Nd isotope ratios of the lower crustal source of the granitic rocks was isotopically affected by mantle‐derived magmas, resulting in similar initial Sr and Nd isotope ratios for gabbroic, dioritic and granitic rocks in each zone.
Keywords:Cretaceous    diorite    gabbro    geochemistry    geochronology    granite    Sr–Nd isotopes    Southwest Japan
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