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引用本文:李虎侯. 释光技术测定年龄的现况[J]. 第四纪研究, 1997, 17(3): 248-257.
作者单位:H&H古物鉴定中心 温哥华
摘    要:本文从5个方面评述了释光测年方法的现况。它们是:历史的回顾;陷阱;热释光的定量描述;释光图谱;辐射剂量及其它。文章最后指出了加强对辐射剂量的研究在释光测年中的重要性;用光转换热释光来研究陷阱的性质很有前途;离子注入技术是研究磷光体中杂质的有效工具。

关 键 词:释光测年   热释光   光释光

Li Huhou. ASPECT OF LUMINESCENCE DATING[J]. Quaternary Sciences, 1997, 17(3): 248-257.
Authors:Li Huhou
Affiliation:H &|H Antique Authentication Centre, Vancouver
Abstract:There are five parts included in this review on luminescence dating technique.They are review of the development on luminescence dating techniques, trap,distribution of thermoluminescence dating, graphics in luminescence dating, and dose of radiation.Luminescence dating technique has been developed for forty years since Zimperman established the method using thermoluminescence technique to date the pottery. It has been a large progressing in the field during the bine. Many data have been used in many fields to get the results satisfactory. In the meantime, there are a lot of problems requires us to do research. Luminescence dating involves many different kind's research fields, such as solid state physics, radiation dosimetry, extramicro chemical analysis, etc. Each of them has them selves duties. It is impossible according to the requirements of luminescence dating to do the research in each of those fields. It must be carried by luminescence dating. Therefore, we have to wait for a successful luminescence dating technique.Unfortunately, theorehcal research in luminescence dating is not enough in last forty years. Short of the theoretical studies is no foresight in any field. Then the difficulties can not be predicted in the developing process of luminescence dating. It is not helpful to the new technique development when there is no correct theoretical base. Thus, it can be only considered with the technical stand when the problems have been exposed in the luminescence dating process. Because we do not know the whole background, we can only judge the case as it stands. A good example to explain this situation is the development of luminescence dating theirself. The optical luminescence dating technique has been found, keeping in step with the thermoluminescence dating technique. Because we have known clearly that heat and light are forms of energy, we understood that thermoluminescence dating runs in a dark room. The optical luminescence dating technique was found during fading and bleaching the experiments. Therefore, as the problem of the thermoluminescence dating technique, the optical shmulated luminescence dating has no good base to support.However, there are a good technique can be used to provide the age dare for the people who need it.Band theory in solid is the base to explain the luminescence process. Essentially,the trap is a micro-energy level in the gap. We can use an image to explain the mps for easy understanding since any model only belongs macro figure, we cannot express the real process in micro world with a macro figure. Therefore, it is still not clearly to understand the problems, such as how to distinguish the light sensitive and insensitive traps, what difference of it and / or they with the heat sensitive trap, how to measure, and which kind equipment to be used.Theoretical explain of thermoluminescence has been reviewed above. Several models and their equations have been described. They are some cormctions to close the real TL process. The idea of this process has unchanged since Randall and Wilkins suggested. Several revise have been mentioned.The author has used graphic comparison to show the optical shmulated luminescence and thermoluminescence on one figure with four situations. What is the different of them that will be seen clearly.Radiation dose is one of important factors in luminescence dating. We have to pay more attention to study. Here. is a large difference of the luminescence response in each phosphor for variable radiation. New TLD in the dating laboratory is necessary for ltiminescence dating. It is point out in this paper to have to recognize the characteristics of traps in future, and to play an important role in the luminescence process by impurities in phosphorus. The common chemical analytical techniques can not be used sahsfactorily for the microimpurities in solid. The ion implantation will be a good tools to study in this field.
Keywords:luminescence dating  thermoluminescence  optical luminescence
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