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引用本文:秦大河 任贾文. 揭示气候变化的南极冰盖研究新进展[J]. 地理学报, 1995, 50(2): 178-184
作者姓名:秦大河 任贾文
摘    要:南极冰盖是气候的产物,对气候也有反馈作用,冰盖物质平衡变化与全球海平面升降息息相关,并引发地球系统内的一系列变化,南极冰盖是记录全球变化信息的良好载体,具有信息量大,时间序列长,保真性能强,分辨率高以及可进行现代过程定量研究等其他介质无法取代的独特优点,随着科学技术的发展和人类对全球问题的日益重视,南极冰盖与全球变化研究这一领域将会以高起点,多学科互相交叉,渗透为特色,成为未来南极研究的热点领域。

关 键 词:南极冰盖 全球变化 大气环流 气候变化

Qin Dahe,Ren Jiawen,Xiao Cunde. PROGRESS IN THE RESEARCH ON ANTARCTIC ICE SHEET IN RELATION TO GLABAL CHANGE[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 1995, 50(2): 178-184
Authors:Qin Dahe  Ren Jiawen  Xiao Cunde
Abstract:The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest grounded ice in the world, which occupies more than three fourths of the Earth's fresh water and contains sufficient ice to raise world-wide sea level by more than 60m if melted completely. Since major interactions between the ice sheet, atmosphere and oceans affect the entire global system, the ice sheet plays a critical role in global change. The ice sheet not only respond to climatic change but also influence climate greatly through feedback. Any changes in mass balance of the ice sheet may be of importance to global sea-level change. The special geographic location, ice thickness, snow accumulation rate and surface temperature combine to make the Antarctic ice sheet the storehousee of the longest and potentially most diverse ice records on earth. The global changee information preserved in the ice sheet is unique because of its wide range of direct and proxy measures, long time-scale. and high resolution and fidelity. During the past decades, research on the Antarctic ice sheet has made great progress both in investigation of the ice sheet and recovery of climatic and environmental record preserved in it, primarily due to modern technological advances. To date the form and extent of the surface features of the ice sheet have been defined much clear, and a lot of data on the ice thickness and the sub-ice bedrock topography (and hence estimation of the ice volum) has been acquired. Studies of ice cores taken from the ice sheet have already provided climatic and environmental records over the last ice age cycle. Some achivements in monitoring of the greenhouse gases and the anthropogenic pollutants have also been made. Since the global change is becoming increasingly important to the human race. to further understand the ice sheet and investigate the ralationships between the ice. atmosphere and oceans and to monitor and detect the global change in the ice sheet will be the front of Antarctic research in future. More widespread international and multiple disciplinees cooperation is certainly emphasized in the coming programs .
Keywords:Antarctic ice sheet. global change. climatic and environmental record.sea-level change   atmospheric circulaitons
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