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引用本文:吴杨平,陈爱华,张雨,姚国兴,张志伟,蔡永祥. 红壳文蛤双列杂交及杂种优势分析[J]. 海洋与湖沼, 2015, 46(1): 43-49
作者姓名:吴杨平  陈爱华  张雨  姚国兴  张志伟  蔡永祥
作者单位:江苏省海洋水产研究所 南通 226007
摘    要:以广西(G)、江苏(S)和日本(J)3个文蛤群体中原种红壳文蛤进行双列杂交,获得了试验家系(Gg、Ss、Gs、Gj、Sg、Sj),比较其生长性能,并评估杂种优势。从生长来看,浮游期杂交组的日生长率大于自繁组;以江苏文蛤为母本的组合的壳长均显著大于以广西文蛤为母本的组合(P0.05),壳长受卵源影响极显著(P0.01)。稚贝和幼贝期,杂交组的日生长率均大于自繁组,杂交组合Gs的日生长率从13日龄至149日龄均最大;交配方式对壳长极显著影响(P0.01)。从存活率来看,杂交组的存活优势更明显,Gs的存活率几乎均最高。从杂种优势来看,杂交组从13日龄以后具明显的杂种优势,尤其是Gs在1—149日龄均呈正值。广西群体和江苏群体间建立了完全2×2双列杂交,中亲杂种优势一直大于0,且始终介于单亲杂种优势HGs和HSg之间。杂种优势潜力指数(hp)表明,1—5日龄的数值介于–1和1之间,未产生杂种衰退;13日龄后的数值均大于1,表明真正获得了杂种优势。杂种获得(hg)及13日龄后的超亲优势率均为正值,进一步说明壳长性状得到了明显改良。从壳色来看,子代的红壳个体占比为72.80%—76.49%,均得到明显提高。总之,杂交组合Gs的杂种优势最明显,为开展3个群体的杂交育种提供了参考依据。

关 键 词:文蛤  红壳  双列杂交  杂种优势

WU Yang-Ping,CHEN Ai-Hu,ZHANG Yu,YAO Guo-Xing,ZHANG Zhi-Wei and CAI Yong-Xiang. HETEROSIS ANALYSIS AND DIALLEL CROSS OF RED MERETRIX MERETRIX[J]. Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica, 2015, 46(1): 43-49
Authors:WU Yang-Ping  CHEN Ai-Hu  ZHANG Yu  YAO Guo-Xing  ZHANG Zhi-Wei  CAI Yong-Xiang
Affiliation:Jiangsu Marine Economic Shellfish Research and Development Center,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu,Jiangsu Marine Economic Shellfish Research and Development Center,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu,Jiangsu Marine Economic Shellfish Research and Development Center,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu,Jiangsu Marine Economic Shellfish Research and Development Center,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu,Jiangsu Marine Economic Shellfish Research and Development Center,Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu
Abstract:Experiments of 3×3 diallel crosses among different Meretrix meritrix populations of Guangxi and Jiangsu of China, and Japan were conducted. The growth and heterosis of offspring were investigated. The results show that hybrid groups presented obvious heterosis, showing significant improvements in shell length. The hybrid groups showed higher daily growth rates than the self-fertilized. The groups with Jiangsu as the female parent were significantly greater than those with Guangxi in the planktonic stage during which maternale effects of larval size were observed and shell length was significantly affected by egg origination (P<0.01). In juvenile stage, the hybrid groups showed higher daily growth rates than the self-fertilized. The daily growth rates of hybrid group(Gs) were the highest in 13-149-days-old individuals and the shell length of hybrid group(Gs) was always the highest in the 43-149-day-old. In this stage, the shell length was significantly affected by mating mode (P<0.01). The survival rate of hybrid groups featured obvious heterosis, and that of the hybrid group(Gs) was almost the highest. The heterosis of hybrid groups occurred obviously after 13 days. In addition, diallel cross of Guangxi and Jiangsu was conducted. The mid-parent heterosis was greater than 0, which was always among the single-parent heterosis of hybrid groups (Gs and Sg). The heterosis potence index showed that the value of 1-5-day-old was between -1 and 1, indicating that hybridization did not decline. Real heterosis appeared as the index became greater than 1, and the value of hybrid gain and transgressive heterosis became positive in the 13-day-old, indicating significant improvement in shell length. The shell color was improved considerably when the proportion of red-shelled individuals in the progeny was 72.80%-76.49%. Therefore, the hybrid group(Gs) gained obvious heterosis, which provided a reference for the hybridization breeding.
Keywords:Meretrix meretrix   red shell color   diallel cross   heterosis
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