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Seismicity and tectonics of southern Central America and adjacent regions with special attention to the surroundings of Panama
Authors:Bernd Wolters  
Abstract:Ten new focal mechanisms are derived for earthquakes in southern Central America and its adjacent regions. These are combined with a study of seismicity and data of previous workers to delineate the position and nature of the plate boundaries in this complex region.The Middle America subduction zone may be divided into four or five distinct seismic segments. The plate boundary between North America and the Caribbean near the trench might be located more towards the south than previously suspected. Subduction has basically stopped south of the underthrusting Cocos Ridge. There is not much evidence for a seismically active strike-slip fault south of Panama, but its existence cannot be ruled out. More activity reveals the zone north of Panama which is identified as a subduction zone with normal fault events. Shallow seismicity induced by the interaction of the Nazca plate extends from the Colombia-Panama border south along the Pacific coast to meet a high-angle continental thrust fault system. Subduction with a pronounced slab starts only south of that point near a hot region which offsets the seismic trend at the trench. The Carnegie Ridge and/or the change of direction of subduction in Ecuador produce a highly active zone of seismicity mainly at the depth of 200 km. The area in the Pacific displays a termination of activity at a propagating rift west of the Galapagos Islands. The main eastern boundary of the Cocos plate, the Panama Fracture Zone, is offset towards the west at the southern end of the Malpelo Ridge. Its northern end consists of two active branches as defined by large earthquakes. A strike-slip mechanism near the southeastern flank of the Cocos Ridge was previously believed to be the site of an extended fracture zone. This paper proposes submarine volcanic activity as an alternative explanation.
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