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引用本文:李帅丽, 王继龙, 彭博, 武彬, 于俊杰, 戴璐. 全新世以来福建宁德地区环境演变及人类活动的孢粉记录[J]. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2021, 41(3): 170-181. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020102201
作者姓名:李帅丽  王继龙  彭博  武彬  于俊杰  戴璐
作者单位:1.宁波大学地理科学与旅游文化学院,宁波 315211;; 2.中国地质调查局南京地质调查中心,南京 210016
摘    要:分析了福建省宁德市东部海岸带地区NDQK2钻孔的42个孢粉样品。3个光释光和9个14C测年结果显示,钻孔沉积物年代跨越了末次冰消期晚期和全新世阶段。本文试图通过孢粉分析来重建宁德地区全新世以来的古环境演化,探讨古人类活动对天然植被演替的可能影响。本钻孔与该区域已发表的NDGK2和NDQK5孔的孢粉组合共同显示,深海氧同位素(MIS)5a阶段(约85 kaBP)至早全新世,周边陆地一直被亚热带常绿阔叶林和松林所覆盖,然而,约7770~4970 aBP期间以禾本科(Poaceae)为主的草本植物花粉和以芒萁属(Dicranopteris)为主的蕨类孢子含量剧增,孢粉组合与MIS5a以来的其他时段明显不同,类似于现代山地和海域表土孢粉组合。考虑到当地亚热带阔叶林被破坏后可形成以芒萁和禾本科为主的植被群落,我们认为宁德地区在7770~4970 aBP前就存在人类活动,并开始强烈影响森林组成,古人类砍伐树木导致分布于林缘与荒地的芒萁和禾本科等次生植被迅速扩张。基于东南沿海考古证据的时空分布对比,认为中、晚全新世本研究区周边古人类活动的出现可能与长江中下游古文明的迁移存在某种关联。

关 键 词:孢粉   人类活动   全新世   福建宁德

Palynological evidence for palaeoenviromental change and human activity in Ningde of Fujian Province during Holocene
LI Shuaili, WANG Jilong, PENG Bo, WU Bin, YU Junjie, DAI Lu. Palynological evidence for palaeoenviromental change and human activity in Ningde of Fujian Province during Holocene[J]. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 2021, 41(3): 170-181. doi: 10.16562/j.cnki.0256-1492.2020102201
Authors:LI Shuaili  WANG Jilong  PENG Bo  WU Bin  YU Junjie  DAI Lu
Affiliation:1.Faculty of Geographical Science and Tourism Culture, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211;; 2.Nanjing Center, China Geological Survey College of Earth Sciences, Nanjing 210016
Abstract:Analyzed by this paper are 42 pollen samples from the core of NDQK2, a 17.3 m long drilling core on the eastern coast of Ningde city, Fujian Province. Three optical stimulated luminescence (OSL) and nine AMS14C samples are dated. It is revealed that the core is made of with the deposits from Late Last Deglaciation and Holocene. Pollen are used as a major mean to reconstruct the Holocene palaeo-environment and to explore the possible impact of human activities on vegetation succession. Together with the published pollen data from adjacent cores of NDGK2 and NDQK5, it is found that subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest and pine forest prevailed since marine isotope stage (MIS) 5a (~85 kaBP). However, Poaceae-dominated non-arboreal pollen component and Dicranopteris-dominated spores component increased sharply since 0.777~0.497 kaBP. The pollen assemblages are significantly different from other intervals of MIS5a, but similar to those in modern soils and marine sediments. If the expansion of Dicranopteris dichotoma and Poaceae plants is due to the destruction of subtropical broad-leaved forests by human activities, it suggests that human being had colonized in this region around 0.777~0.497 kaBP. The deforest by human being changed the natural forest composition, and resulted in the expansion of secondary plants such as Dicranopteris dichotoma and Poaceae distributed along the boarder of forest. The spatial and temporal distribution of archaeological evidence along southeast China indicates a possible link of human activities between the the study area and the migration of ancient culture from the lower Yangtze River during Mid-Late Holocene.
Keywords:pollen  human activities  the Holocene  Ningde City of Fujian Province
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