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引用本文:林玉石, 张美良, 覃家铭, 姜光辉, 舒丽, 刘玉, 杨琰, 彭稳, 黄新跃, 黄芬. 论洞穴石笋结构构造转变[J]. 西北地质, 2009, 42(3): 36-46.
作者姓名:林玉石  张美良  覃家铭  姜光辉  舒丽  刘玉  杨琰  彭稳  黄新跃  黄芬
作者单位:1.国土资源部岩溶地质研究所岩溶动力学重点实验室, 广西 桂林 541004;; 2.国土资源部宜昌地质矿产研究所, 湖北 宜昌 44300
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 (批准号90511004) 和中国科学技术部"中国洞穴石笋样品保护库的建造"项目 ( 
摘    要:大量大型石笋纵剖面研究表明,石笋矿物组成有方解石、文石、文石(方解石)-方解石(文石)三种类型,三类的结构、纹(微)层和放射状构造、结构构造转变等特征类同,并存在于碳酸盐沉积石笋生长的全过程,但文石笋的细微粒针(柱)状(微粒)结构、放射状、纹(微)层构造更显著.石笋结构构造转变的主要表现是:文石转变成方解石;文石、方解石次生增大,呈现不断晶化的成晶过程.文石转变为方解石,常保留文石的针状、针柱状结构和柱状聚晶体,呈文石假象,文石次生加大仍保存其结构构造和聚晶;方解石次生增大,常保存其粒状、菱面体、偏三角面体、聚片双晶和柱状、板状聚晶.石笋结构构造转变及其晶化强度,受控于洞穴温度、湿度、滴水和凝结水对石笋的渗透、淋漓,主要受石笋含水度大的制约.组成石笋的碳酸盐沉积、组合、结晶、晶化次生增大等,结构构造的形成及其弱、中、强转变,都在常(低)温常(低)压的洞穴气候环境中进行,是自调整作用的沉积、成晶、成岩晶化过程,没有外来物质加入,因而不影响同位素分馏和古气候环境记录.石笋结构构造转变研究,对古气候环境重建与生态修复、成晶成矿理论和实践、同位素测年校正和运用都有重要意义.

关 键 词:洞穴石笋   结构构造   方解石化   转变   残余结构构造

On the Transformation of Stalagmite Texture and Structure
LIN Yu-shi, ZHANG Mei-liang, QIN Jia-ming, JIANG Guang-hui, SHU Li, LIU Yu, YANG Yan, PENG Wen, HUANG Xin-yue, HUANG Fen. On the Transformation of Stalagmite Texture and Structure[J]. Northwestern Geology, 2009, 42(3): 36-46.
Authors:LIN Yu-shi  ZHANG Mei-liang  QIN Jia-ming  JIANG Guang-hui  SHU Li  LIU Yu  YANG Yan  PENG Wen  HUANG Xin-yue  HUANG Fen
Abstract:The study of many profile sections of stalagmites indicates that there are three types of stalagmite mineralogical composition:calcite type,aragonite type,and calcitea ragonite type or aragonite-calcite type.The texture,structure,depositlamina characteristics of them are similar to each other and exist in the whole growth process,but the microg ranular texture,the radiating,lamina(or micro-lamina) structures of aragonite stalagmite are more remarkable.The transformation of the texture and structure represents two a spects chiefly:the crystaltrans formation of aragonite to calcite;the secondary enlargement of the crystal which lead to the sustained crystallization.The a ragonite transformin to calcite reserving its acicular and prismatic crystals,presenting the pseudomorphy of a ragonite.The calcite recry stallization often reserves the granular,rhom bohedron,scalenohedron,multipletwin,prismatic,and tabular crystals.The conversion of the stalagmite texture and structure and the strength of the calcitization depend not only on the climate environment,dripping water(or condensation water)from seep age water in the cave but also on the moisture content of the stalagmite.The crystallization, calcitization,and conversion of the carbonates is completely under the normal(or low)temperature and (or low)pressu reconditions in which there is no foreign substances,as well as no effect to the isotopic fractionation and the information of paleo-climatic environment from the stalagmite records.The whole process plays a part of perfect self-regulation.So,the study on the conversion of stalagmite texture and structure is of great theory and practice significance in palaeoclimatic and paleo environmental recon struction,ecological rehabilitation,mineralogy and crystallog raphy,isotopicdating,and correction and so on.
Keywords:stalagmite  texture and structure  calcitization  transformation  relict texture and structure
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