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引用本文:宋成玉,汪靖,柳艳菊,李巧萍,丁一汇,沈新勇. 北大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)对南海夏季风撤退年代际变率的影响及可能机理[J]. 气象学报, 2022, 80(5): 668-684. DOI: 10.11676/qxxb2022.050
作者姓名:宋成玉  汪靖  柳艳菊  李巧萍  丁一汇  沈新勇
摘    要:基于美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)物理科学实验室(PSL)和科罗拉多大学环境科学研究所(CIRES)重建的NOAA-CIRES 20th再分析数据和国际综合海洋大气数据集(ICOADS)的全球月海表温度数据(ERSST),并结合数值试验分析了南海夏季风撤退的年代际变率特征及北大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)对其产生的影响。结果表明,南海夏季风撤退时间具有明显的年代际变率,南海夏季风撤退偏晚(早)年代中国南海及其附近区域上空有显著的气旋性(反气旋性)环流异常,降水偏多(少)。进一步研究发现,AMO与南海夏季风撤退年代际变率呈显著正相关,即AMO为正位相时,南海夏季风撤退偏晚;AMO为负位相时,南海夏季风撤退偏早。北大西洋海温升高(即AMO位于正位相),从海洋释放更多的热通量到大气,导致北大西洋上空对流层的对流活动明显增强,通过海-气相互作用激发北大西洋上空的波活动异常,进而影响与东北亚关键区域大气环流变化密切相关的中纬度欧亚遥相关波列的形成和传播,引起东北亚关键区的正位势高度异常和明显的下沉运动,并在其对流层低层产生辐散运动,能量伴随着偏北的辐散风气流传播至中国南海及邻近区域辐合上升,进一步加强了南海区域的气旋性环流异常,使得南海夏季风撤退偏晚。AMO负位相时,异常情况与之大致相反,使得南海夏季风撤退偏早。 

关 键 词:南海夏季风撤退  年代际变率  北大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)  机理

Impacts of AMO on the interdecadal variability of South China Sea summer monsoon withdrawal and associated mechanisms
Abstract:The present study investigates the interdecadal variability characteristics of South China Sea summer monsoon withdrawal (SCSSMW) and associated impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) based on the NOAA-CIRES 20th reanalysis data reconstructed by the Physical Sciences Laboratory (PSL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES), the Extended Reconstructed Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST) dataset from the International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS). Numerical experiments are also implemented. The results show that the timing of SCSSMW has obvious interdecadal variability. During the late (early) SCSSMW years, there are significant cyclonic (anticyclonic) circulation anomalies and more (less) convective precipitation over the South China Sea and its nearby areas. Further studies suggest a significant positive correlation between the AMO and the interdecadal variability of SCSSMW: When the AMO is in the positive phase, SCSSMW is later and vice versa. The SST warming over the North Atlantic (i.e., AMO in the positive phase) releases more heat flux from the ocean to the atmosphere, leading to a significant increase of convective activities in the troposphere over the North Atlantic, thus triggering abnormal Rossby wave activities over the North Atlantic through sea-air interaction and enhanced convective activities. Such Rossby wave activities can affect the formation and propagation of the mid-latitude Eurasian teleconnection wave train that is closely related to the variations of atmospheric circulations over key areas in the Northeast Asia, causing positive geopotential height anomalies and significant descending motion anomalies throughout the troposphere and producing divergent motion anomalies in the lower troposphere. The energy is thus transmitted to the South China Sea and its adjacent areas with the anomalous divergent wind flows, producing convergent and ascending motion anomalies. The cyclonic circulation anomaly over the South China Sea further enhances, leading to later SCSSMW. Roughly opposite mechanism works during the negative phase of AMO, leading to earlier SCSSMW. 
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