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LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating and phenocryst EPMA of dikes,Guocheng, Jiaodong Peninsula: Implications for North China Craton lithosphere evolution
Authors:Jun Tan  JunHao Wei  LingLi Guo  KeQing Zhang  ChunLiang Yao  JianPei Lu  HongMei Li
Affiliation:(1) Faculty of Earth Resources, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, 430074, China
Abstract:Widespread dike swarm, including diorite-, monzonite-porphyry and lamprophyre, intruded in the altered breccia gold deposits along basin marginal faults, Guocheng, Jiaodong Peninsula. Petrography exhibits biotite enclaves in amphibole phenocrysts and the presence of acicular apatites in these dikes. Electron probe microanalyses (EPMA) show that the amphibole and clinopyroxene phenocryst’s mantle in diorite porphyry and lamprophyre respectively has sharply higher MgO (Mg#) and Cr2O3 contents in contrast to their cores. The plagioclase phenocryst in monzonite porphyry has reverse zoning. These results indicate that the magma mixing between mantle-derived mafic and crust-derived felsic magmas occurred in the original process of the dikes. Zircon cathodoluminescence (CL) images show well-developed magmatic oscillatory zones and the acquired LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages are 114±2 Ma (MSDW=1.5) for monzonite porphyry (GS1) and 116±1 Ma (MSDW=0.8) for diorite porphyry (GS2), respectively. Earlier magmatic events in the northwest Jiaodong Peninsula represented by some inherited or captured zircons also occur in these dikes. Magmatic zircons from GS1 and GS2 display consistent chondrite-normalized REE patterns and Nb/Ta values, implying that they may share a similar or same source. HREE enrichment and obvious negative Eu anomalies of these zircons preclude garnet presented in their source. Our results, combined with preciously published data, indicate that dike intrusion and gold mineralization among quartz vein, altered tectonite and altered breccia gold deposits are broadly contemporaneous throughout the Jiaodong Peninsula. These also imply that the intensive crust-mantle interaction and asthenospheric underplating had occurred in the Early Cretaceous in the Peninsula, together with foundering of lower crust in the early Mesozoic, representing the different stages of lithosphere thinning in the North China Craton (NNC). Supported by the Doctoral Education Program Fund of Ministry of Education, China (Grant No. 20040491502), Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, Program of Superseding Resources Prospecting in Crisis Mines in China (Grant No. 2006020035), and the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences
Keywords:dike   EPMA   zircon   LA-ICP-MS   magma mixing   crust-mantle interaction   lithosphere thinning
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