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Projet d'observation par satellite des irregularites d'ionisation alignees sur le champ magnetique dans la magnetosphere
Authors:F Du Castel

C.N.E.T./C.D.S., Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Abstract:A study is made of conditions under which a signal of variable frequency emitted from a satellite may be guided by an ionization irregularity existing along a power line of the Earth's magnetic field, as well as conditions under which it may be reverberated to the satellite. Cases are considered of frequencies inferior and superior to the electronic gyrofrequency. From this the form of echoes is deduced, which one may expect from a satellite gravitating up to 2 Earth's radii and it is shown, by analyzing these echoes, that it may be possible to determine the characteristics of existing irregularities in the magnetoshpere along the low-latitude lines of force.


Иэyхaoтcя ycлoвия, пpи кoтopых cигнaл c пepeмeннoй хacтoтoй, иcхoдящий oт cиyтникa, мoжeт yпpaвлятьcя нeoднopoднocтью иoнизaции, cyщecтвyющeй вдoль cилoвoй линии мaгнитнoгo пoля зeмли, a тaкжe ycлoвия, в кoтopых этoт cигнaл мoжeт быть cиoвa нaпpaвлeн cпyтникy. paccмaтpивaютcя cлyхaи хacтoт нижe и вышe ∂лeктpoннoй гиpoхacтoты. шз ∂тoгo зaклюхyoт вид ∂хo, кoтopoгo мoжнo oжидaть oт cпyтникa, пepeдвигaющeгocя вдoльopбиты нa paccтoянии дo дв paдиycoв зeмли, пpихeм yкaзывaeтcя кaк, пyтeм aнaлизa ∂тoгo ∂хo, мoжнo ycтaнoвить хapaктepиcтикy нeoднopoдиocтeй, coдepжaщихcя в мaгнитoceфpe вдoль cилoвых линий, нa низких шиpoтaх.

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