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Horizontal and vertical distributions of 137Cs in seabed sediments around the river mouth near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Authors:Tadahiko Tsuruta  Hisaya Harada  Toshiharu Misonou  Toshiyuki Matsuoka  Yasuyuki Hodotsuka
Affiliation:1.Fukushima Environmental Safety Center,Japan Atomic Energy Agency,Fukushima,Japan;2.SUNCHO Consultants CO., Ltd,Tokyo,Japan;3.Ocean High Technology Institute, Inc.,Tokyo,Japan
Abstract:Investigations including a bathymetric survey, sonic prospecting, and vibrocoring were performed to understand the horizontal and vertical distribution of 137Cs in seabed sediments in shallow seas with depths less than 30 m near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Especially, features of 137Cs distributions in deeper sections of the seabed sediments were studied to evaluate the vertical heterogeneity of 137Cs distribution in the seabed sediments in shallow seas. The distribution area of the seabed sediments was less than half of the investigation area, and the locations of the seabed sediments were divided into flat and terrace-like seafloors based on their topographical features. The thicknesses of the seabed sediment layers were mostly <2 m. The 137Cs inventories in the seabed sediments varied from 13 ± 1 to 3,510 ± 26 kBq m?2, and continuous distributions of 137Cs at depths greater than 81 cm were observed. The 137Cs distributions were not uniform; however, the 137Cs inventories tended to be larger near the base of the steeper ascending slopes than in the terrace-like seafloors themselves. Based on the relationship between the 137Cs inventories and mean shear stress, features of the seafloor topography were inferred to be significant control factors governing the horizontal and vertical distribution of 137Cs in the seabed sediments. Rapid changes and multiple peaks in the vertical profile of the 137Cs distributions suggest that they are related to pulse input caused by heavy-rain events. Change in the 137Cs inventories with depth in this study are larger than those reported in previous studies, indicating earlier results of 137Cs inventories per unit in seabed sediments in shallow seas, especially near the river mouth, which drains a radiologically highly-contaminated basin, were underestimated.
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