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摘    要:<正> 1992年夏凤生等在贵刊16卷4期上发表《西藏色龙西山色龙群的时代及二叠系与三叠系的界线》一文,批评王义刚等(1989)研究的同一剖面的工作结果。因为我们也是被评述论文的作者,有责任从几个方面对夏文进行质疑和评述。

Some queries about the paper "Age of the Selong Group in Xishan, Selong of Xizang and the Permian-Triassic boundary
Abstract:In the paper "Age of the Selong Group in Xishan, Selong of Xizang and the Permian-Triassic boundary" published by Xia Fen-sheng and Zhang Bin-gao in the Journal of Stratigraphy (vol. 16, no, 4), the determination of the most important conodont species, such as Neogondolella bisselli, N. bitteri, N. intermedia, N. liangshanensis, N. cf. asiatica and "Hindeodus parvus" is wrong. In this case their conclusion based on these conodont names is wrong too. At the bottom of Greisbachian the ammonoid Otoceras latilobatum Zone is corresponging to the H. parvus Zone. It can not corresponding to the N eogondolella cari-nata, Zone, aothough it contains Neogondolella carinata, which occured in the Uppermost Permian to Lower Triassic. The Selong-Xishan section was shown to be a complete Lower Triassic strata with a good base of Triassic. It is true there is a small hiatuses between the Permian-Triassic boundary, that was pointed out by Wang Yi-gang and others (1989).
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