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Magnetic Flux Transport in the ISM Through Turbulent Ambipolar Diffusion
Authors:Fabian Heitsch  Ellen G. Zweibel  Adrianne D. Slyz  Julien E.G. Devriendt
Affiliation:1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A
2. University of Oxford, U.K
Abstract:Under ideal MHD conditions the magnetic field strength should be correlated with density in the interstellar medium (ISM). However, observations indicate that this correlation is weaker than expected. Ambipolar diffusion can decrease the flux-to-mass ratio in weakly ionized media; however, it is generally thought to be too slow to play a significant role in the ISM except in the densest molecular clouds. Turbulence is often invoked in other astrophysical problems to increase transport rates above the (very slow) diffusive values. Building on analytical studies, we test with numerical models whether turbulence can enhance the ambipolar diffusion rate sufficiently to explain the observed weak correlations. The numerical method is based on a gas-kinetic scheme with very low numerical diffusivity, thus allowing us to separate numerical and physical diffusion effects.
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