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Quantification of Quaternary vertical movements in the central Pannonian Basin: A review of chronologic data along the Danube River, Hungary
Authors:Zs. Ruszkiczay-Rü  diger, L. Fodor, G. Bada, Sz. Le  l-   ssy, E. Horv  th,T.J. Dunai

aEötvös University, Department of Physical Geography, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary

bNetherlands Research Centre for Integrated Solid Earth Science (ISES) de Boelelaan 1085, HV 1081 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

cGeological Institute of Hungary, 1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 14, Hungary

dEötvös University, Department of Physical and Historical Geology, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary

eEötvös University, Department of Geophysics, 1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C, Hungary

Abstract:This study aims at a new quantification of neotectonic deformation of the central part of the Pannonian Basin. We use terrace levels and associated travertine as well as speleothem data along the Danube River to quantify its incision rate and thus, estimate the amount and rate of uplift at the axis of the Hungarian Mountain Range (HMR).

Several terrace levels and other geomorphic features along the Danube river are indicative for Quaternary uplift of the axial part of the emerging Hungarian Mountain Range. While the correlative terraces are at considerable height at the axis of the HMR, the terraces are gradually dipping below the basin fill of the adjacent lowlands. The correlation of the terrace segments is difficult because of their poor preservation, small size and variable height. The geomorphologic horizons indicate gradual incision of the river throughout the Quaternary during simultaneous deformation. However, no reliable chronological data have been available so far to quantify landscape-forming processes such as uplift, incision or erosion rates.

A reconsideration of existing published data for three consecutive segments of the Danube valley yields incision rates between 0.14 and 0.41 mm/year for the last 360 ky, with the highest value for the area of the Danube Bend. Accordingly, the middle to late Quaternary uplift rate of the axial zone of the HMR exceeded significantly that of the marginal areas. These rates represent an approximation as some quantitative data are still controversial. Our results suggest that formation of the Danube terraces is result of river incision triggered by the uplift of the HMR and modified by periodic climate changes.

Keywords:River incision   Uplift rate   Quaternary   Terrace chronology   Pannonian Basin
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