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引用本文:吴小奇,陈迎宾,刘全有,王萍,曾华盛,王彦青,胡烨,黎华继. 川西坳陷新场气田须家河组五段烃源岩分子地球化学特征[J]. 地球科学, 2019, 44(3): 859-871. DOI: 10.3799/dqkx.2018.236
作者姓名:吴小奇  陈迎宾  刘全有  王萍  曾华盛  王彦青  胡烨  黎华继
作者单位:1.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院四川地区勘探开发研究中心, 四川 成都 610041
摘    要:上三叠统须家河组五段是川西坳陷新场气田勘探的热点层系之一.对新场须五段泥质烃源岩进行了分子地球化学分析,结果表明:新场须五段泥岩可溶抽提物姥植比介于0.26~1.70之间,C27-C29规则甾烷中C27和C29甾烷相对含量平均值分别为31.2%和44.6%,伽马蜡烷/C30藿烷比值介于0.11~0.34,MPI1、F1和4-/1-MDBT均与成熟度呈正相关.新场须五段泥岩有机质生源中,陆源高等植物略占优势,但低等水生生物和藻类也具有一定的贡献;泥岩主要沉积于湖泊环境,部分沉积于缺氧的盐水环境.成熟度对一些芳烃化合物指标具有明显影响,成熟度超过1.25%的煤系烃源岩样品的三芴系列和成熟度超过1.2%的样品的MDBTs/MDBFs比值不能直接用于沉积环境的判别. 

关 键 词:须家河组五段   烃源岩   饱和烃   芳烃   成熟度   三芴系列   沉积环境   石油地质

Molecular Geochemical Characteristics of Source Rocks in the 5th Member of Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation,Xinchang Gas Field,West Sichuan Depression
Abstract:The 5th member of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation (T3x5) is one of the important targets for terrigenous natural gas exploration in the Xinchang gas field in the West Sichuan Depression.The molecular geochemical characteristics have been analyzed in order to further determine the sedimentary environment of the T3x source rocks.The studies indicate that the Pr/Ph ratio of soluble extract from the T3x5 mudstone in the Xinchang gas field ranges from 0.26 to 1.70, and the relative contents of C27 and C29 in C27-C29 regular steranes are 31.2% and 44.6%, respectively.The gammacerane/C30 hopane ratio ranges from 0.11 to 0.34, and the MPI1, F1 and 4-/1-MDBT values of the T3x5 mudstone are all positively correlated with thermal maturity.The organic source of the T3x5 mudstone is dominated by terrigenous higher plant, and lower hydrobiont and algae have also made a certain contribution.The T3x5 mudstone was mainly deposited in the lacustrine environment, with part of the samples in the anoxic saline environment.Thermal maturity can significantly affect several indexes of aromatic compounds in coal-measure source rocks, and the three fluorene series of samples with Ro>1.25% and MDBTs/MDBFs ratios of samples with Ro>1.2% can not be directly used to determine the sedimentary environment. 
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