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Effects of the imf sector structure in the midlatitude troposphere and stratosphere
Authors:Jan La?tovi?ka  Reviewer F Pechala
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary The data on geopotential heights and temperatures at 7 pressure levels between 1000-10 hPa above Berlin(52.5 °N, 13.4 °E) are analysed for the winters of 1963–1973. No demonstrable effect of the interplanetary magnetic field sector boundary crossing (IMF SBC) is found in the lower and middle stratosphere, but there is a demonstrable effect in the middle troposphere at the 500 hPa level. This effect is less important than the IMF SBC effect in the tropospheric vorticity area index and seems to be of a different type.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Acyncyalcyuzcyurcyucyyucymscyyacy ¶rt;ancyncyycyiecy nocygcyiecyocynocymiecyncytscyualcysoftcyncyocyubreve vcyycyscyocymiecy u miecymcyniecyrcyamucyrcyiecy ncya 7 ucyrcyocyvcyncyyacykhcy nocyscymocyyacyncyncyocygcyocy ¶rt;avcylcyiecyncyuyacy mcyiecyzhcy¶rt;ucy 1000-10 mcybcyarcy ncya¶rt; Bcyiecyrcylcyuncyocymcy(52,5 °scy.shchcy., 13,4 °vcy.¶rt;.) ¶rt;lcyyacy zcyumcy 1963–1973gcy. Ncyukcyakcyocyubreve ¶rt;ocykcyazcyamiecylcysoftcyncyycyubreve ecyfcyfcyiecykcym niecyrcyiecyscyiecychcyiecyncyuyacy scyiecykcymocyrcyncyocyubrevegcyrcyancyutscyycy mcyiecyzhcynlcyancyiecymncyocygcyocy mcyagcyncyumncyocygcyocy nocylcyyacy(PcyScyGcy McyMcyPcy) ncyiecy ucy¶rt;alcyocyscysoftcy ncyaubrevemu vcy ncyuzhcyncyiecyubreve u scyrcyiecy¶rt;ncyiecyubreve scymrcyamocyscyfcyiecyrcyiecy, ncyocy makcyocyubreve ecyfcyfcyiecykcym ncyaubreve¶rt;iecyncy vcy scyrcyiecy¶rt;ncyiecyubreve mrcyocynocyscyfcyiecyrcyiecy ncya ucyrcyocyvcyncyiecy 500 mcybcyarcy. Ecymocym ecyfcyfcyiecykcym mcyiecyncyiecyiecy vcyazhcyiecyncy, chcyiecymcy ecyfcyfcyiecykcym PcyScyGcy McyMcyPcy vcy uncy¶rt;iecykcyscyiecy nlcyocyshchcya¶rt;u zcyavcyukhcyrcyiecyncyncyocyscymu ammcyocyscyfcyiecyrcyycy, u kcyazhcyiecymscyyacy bcyycymsoftcy ¶rt;rcyucygcyocygcyocy muna.
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