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A new facies model for the Upper Gypsum of Sicily (Italy): chronological and palaeoenvironmental constraints for the Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean
Affiliation:1. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Parma, Via G.P. Usberti 157/A, 43100 Parma, Italy (E‐mail: vinicio.manzi@unipr.it);2. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Piazza S. Eufemia 19, 41100 Modena, Italy;3. Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, PO Box 351310, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
Associate Editor: Stephen Lokier
Abstract:The Upper Gypsum unit of the Caltanissetta Basin (Sicily) records the last phase of the Messinian salinity crisis comprising the so‐called ‘Lago Mare’ event. A new facies analysis study recognizes nine to ten depositional cycles consisting of seven rhythmically interbedded primary gypsum bodies, and two to three sandstone bodies separated by marly terrigenous horizons showing laterally persistent vertical organization. A basal thin gypsum bed is overlain by a cluster of five thicker gypsum bodies. A marly interval containing two distinct sandstone horizons separates this cluster from the overlying uppermost (seventh) gypsum body. The terrigenous Arenazzolo Formation, in turn followed by the lower Pliocene Trubi Formation, is considered here to form the uppermost part of the Upper Gypsum unit. The rhythmic alternation in the sandy marls and gypsum/sandstone bodies records the response of sediments from shelfal to deltaic systems to precession‐driven arid‐wet climate fluctuations causing cyclical changes of both base‐level and water concentration. During wet climate phases (at insolation maxima) marl and sandstone were deposited in a hypohaline environment as suggested by: (i) the typical Lago Mare faunal assemblage and (ii) the negative δ18O values. During arid phases (at insolation minima) the reduced meteoric supply, recorded by higher δ18O values in the carbonate, caused the development of a negative hydrological budget leading to evaporite precipitation. At a basinal scale the Upper Gypsum unit unconformably overlies a mainly clastic evaporite unit containing carbonate breccia (the so‐called ‘Calcare di Base’) and/or clastic gypsum. Towards the basin centres, where the basal contact becomes conformable, a primary gypsum cumulate horizon is present. This layer is interpreted as a possible lateral equivalent of the Halite unit present only in the deepest depocentres. Based on astronomical calibration of the depositional cycles, the Upper Gypsum unit, including the Arenazzolo Formation, spans the interval between 5·33 and 5·53 Ma. This new age calibration allows the deposition of the Halite unit to be dated between 5·6 Ma (top of the Lower Evaporites) and 5·55 Ma (base of the Upper Evaporites) corresponding to isotopic stages TG12 and/or TG14.
Keywords:Facies analysis  integrated stratigraphy  Messinian  Sicily  Upper Evaporites
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