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Early diagenetic reactions in interbedded pelagic and turbiditic sediments in the Nares Abyssal Plain (western North Atlantic): Consequences for the composition of sediment and interstitial water
Authors:G J De Lange

Department of Geochemistry, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Utrecht, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD, Utrecht, the Netherlands

Abstract:Measured pore-water concentrations of iron in interbedded pelagic and turbiditic sediments from the Nares Abyssal Plain are in excellent agreement with sediment colour and measured redox potential. The organic carbon content of these sediments appears to define the redox conditions and consequently the porewater and solid-phase concentration of constituents that are involved in early diagenetic reactions. In the turbiditic sediments the concentration of NO3? generally goes to zero within a sediment depth of 1 m, whereas at 8 m in a pelagic core from the same area the concentration of NO3? is still higher than it is in the bottom water. The pore-water concentration of Mn2+ in the turbiditic sediments increases sharply down to a depth of approximately 3 m and from thereon remains nearly constant due to saturation with respect to Mn, Ca-CO3. The pore water of the turbiditic sediments is also saturated with respect to calcite. The few “diagenetic spikes” in the pore-water concentration of NO3? and Mn2+ and the concentration/depth profile of dissolved iron, H4SiO4 and phosphate all clearly demonstrate the inhomogeneous nature of interbedded pelagic and turbiditic sediments. The simultaneous occurrence of peaks of dissolved iron/silica and of sediment intervals with a relatively high organic carbon content is attributed to enhanced early diagenetic reactions associated with the decomposition of organic matter in these specific intervals. Linked with these reactions is the irregular pore-water concentration of phosphate, which is shown to originate partly from the oxidation of organic matter, but mainly from the desorption of phosphate from iron oxide. Potential concentrations of phosphate are calculated from the stoichiometric early diagenetic reactions and compared with measured concentrations. Due to the unique combination of low porosity and relatively high sedimentation rates, the sediments from the Nares Abyssal Plain are an ideal basis for the study of such interbedded sequences of pelagic and turbiditic deposits.
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