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引用本文:董树文,李廷栋,陈宣华,魏文博,高锐,吕庆田,杨经绥,王学求,陈群策,石耀霖,黄大年,周琦. 我国深部探测技术与实验研究进展综述[J]. 地球物理学报, 2012, 55(12): 3884-3901
作者姓名:董树文  李廷栋  陈宣华  魏文博  高锐  吕庆田  杨经绥  王学求  陈群策  石耀霖  黄大年  周琦
作者单位:1. 中国地质科学院,北京 100037;2. 中国地质大学(北京),北京 100083;3. 中国地质科学院地质研究所,北京 100037;4. 中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所,北京 100037;5. 中国地质科学院地球物理地球化学勘查研究所,河北廊坊 065000;6. 中国地质科学院地质力学研究所,北京 100081;7. 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100049;8. 吉林大学,吉林长春 130026
摘    要:深部探测技术与实验研究专项(SinoProbe,2008-2012)是我国历史上实施的规模最大的地球深部探测计划.专项开展了全国4°×4°、华北和青藏高原1°×1°的大地电磁阵列观测,建立了全国地球化学基准网(含78种元素),完成了青藏高原、华南-中央造山带、华北和东北等四条超长深地震反射剖面,部署了罗布莎、金川、腾冲、南岭、庐枞和铜陵等大陆科学钻探实验,开展了青藏高原东南缘和华北地区地应力监测;在我国东部长江中下游和南岭成矿带开展的矿集区立体探测卓有成效.同时,专项还开展了岩石圈三维结构与地球动力学数值模拟、大陆地壳结构与演化的综合研究.专项全面实施以来,已经完成约6000 km的深地震反射剖面,成功研究、实验了地壳与地幔深部探测的一系列技术方法,积累了丰富经验,极大地加快了我国深部探测的进度,在国内外产生了强烈的反响.专项实现了技术组合创新、技术进步与重大科学发现的并举,适应我国地质地貌条件和地壳/岩石圈结构特征,初步形成了具有不同层次、不同尺度、不同精度探测空间组合的深部探测技术方法体系,建立了若干各具地质特色的探测试验基地.专项实验已经取得了一系列重大突破与重要成果,深部探测关键仪器装备自主研发获得重大突破,为全面开展地壳探测工程的组织实施奠定了必要的技术基础.

关 键 词:中国深部探测  地壳结构  深地震反射  大地电磁  科学钻探  地应力监测  

Progress of deep exploration in mainland China: A review
DONG Shu-Wen,LI Ting-Dong,CHEN Xuan-Hua,WEI Wen-Bo,GAO Rui,Lü Qing-Tian,YANG Jing-Sui,WANG Xue-Qiu,CHEN Qun-Ce,SHI Yao-Lin,HUANG Da-Nian,ZHOU Qi. Progress of deep exploration in mainland China: A review[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2012, 55(12): 3884-3901
Authors:DONG Shu-Wen  LI Ting-Dong  CHEN Xuan-Hua  WEI Wen-Bo  GAO Rui  Lü Qing-Tian  YANG Jing-Sui  WANG Xue-Qiu  CHEN Qun-Ce  SHI Yao-Lin  HUANG Da-Nian  ZHOU Qi
Affiliation:1 Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China 2 China University of Geosciences,Beijing 100083,China 3 Institute of Geology,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China 4 Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100037,China 5 Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Langfang,Hebei 065000,China 6 Institute of Geomechanics,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Beijing 100081,China 7 Graduate University,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China 8 Jilin University,Changchun,Jilin 130026,China
Abstract:The SinoProbe is a multidisciplinary earth science research program of unprecedented scope and scientific ambition in geosciences. The overall aim of the SinoProbe is to reveal the composition, structure and evolution of the continental lithosphere in China. The SinoProbe (2008-2012) has successfully conducted researches and experiments on crust and mantle exploration technologies, accumulated abundance of experiences, and significantly accelerated China's development on deep exploration. It has made some new understandings on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological evolution of the mainland China. It has collected deep seismic reflection profiles in Tibet, South China, North China, and Northeast China for a length of ca. 6000 km, which accounts for the same length conducted previously in China. It have carried out national-wide geochemical baseline (with 78 elements) and magnetotelluric (MT) Array (by 4°×4°, and 1°×1° in North China and Tibet), 3D exploration in ore deposit districts in eastern China, several continental scientific drilling holes, regional in-situ stress monitoring networks, geodynamic modeling of the lithosphere underneath the continental China, and instrumentation development for deep exploration. For the first time, SinoProbe has obtained deep seismic reflection evidence for the thick-crust Moho surface in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and for the lithospheric mantle in Northeast China. The preliminary results from MT array observations of SinoProbe show an abnormal electric-conductivity structure of the lithosphere under the Ordos basin, providing important evidence for the evolution mechanism of the North China craton.
Keywords:SinoProbe-deep exploration in China  Crustal structure  Deep seismic reflection  MT array  Scientific drilling  Stress monitoring
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