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Chronostratigraphic Subdivision and Correlation of the Permian in China
Authors:JIN Yugan  SHANG Qinghau  WANG Xiangdong  WANG Yue  SHENG Jinzhang Nanjing Institute of Geology & Palaeontology  Chinese Academy of Sciences  Nanjing
Abstract:Since the principle of multiple stratigraphic classification has been widely accepted by Chinese stratigraphers, various new Permian chronostratigraphic units have been proposed in China, and they need to be redefined. The establishment of a new global chronostratigraphic scheme of the Permian, compilation of Permian lithostratigraphic units and updating of Permian biostratigraphic sequences of China makes it possible to present a revised regional chronostratigraphic succession for the Permian System in China. This succession consists of three series and eight stages. The Chuanshanian Series includes two stages, the Zisongian and the Longlinian; the Yanghsinian (Yangxinian) Series is subdivided into the Chihsian (Qixiaan) and the Maokouan Subseries, of which the former comprises the Luodianian and the Xiangboan Stage, and the latter the Kufengian (Gufengian) and the Lengwuan Stage; the Lopingian (Lepingian) Series includes the Wuchiapingian (Wujiapingian) and the Changhsingian (Changxingian) Stage.
Keywords:Chronostratigraphy   Permian   Chuanshanian   Yanghsinian   Lopingian   China
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