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Ultra-depleted, shallow cratonic mantle beneath West Greenland: dunitic xenoliths from Ubekendt Ejland
Authors:Stefan Bernstein  Karen Hanghøj  Peter B. Kelemen  C. Kent Brooks
Affiliation:1. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, ?sterVoldgade 10, 1350, Copenhagen K, Denmark
2. Arctic Station, 3953, Qeqertarsuaq, Greenland
3. Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, PO Box 1000, Palisades, NY, 10964-8000, USA
4. Geological Institute, University of Copenhagen, ?ster Voldgade 10, 1350, Copenhagen K, Denmark
Abstract:Dunitic xenoliths from late Palaeogene, alkaline basalt flows on Ubekendt Ejland, West Greenland contain olivine with 100 × Mg/(Mg + Fe), or Mg#, between 92.0 and 93.7. Orthopyroxene has very low Al2O3 and CaO contents (0.024–1.639 and 0.062–0.275 wt%, respectively). Spinel has 100 × Cr/(Cr + Al), or Cr#, between 46.98 and 95.67. Clinopyroxene is absent. The osmium isotopic composition of olivine and spinel mineral separates shows a considerable span of 187Os/188Os values. The most unradiogenic 187Os/188Os value of 0.1046 corresponds to a Re-depletion age of ca. 3.3 Gy, while the most radiogenic value of 0.1336 is higher than present-day chondrite. The Os isotopic composition of the xenoliths is consistent with their origin as restites from a melt extraction event in the Archaean, followed by one or more subsequent metasomatic event(s). The high Cr# in spinel and low modal pyroxene of the Ubekendt Ejland xenoliths are similar to values of some highly depleted mantle peridotites from arc settings. However, highly depleted, arc-related peridotites have higher Cr# in spinel for a given proportion of modal olivine, compared to cratonic xenolith suites from Greenland, which instead form coherent trends with abyssal peridotites, dredged from modern mid-ocean ridges. This suggests that depleted cratonic harzburgites and dunites from shallow lithospheric mantle represent the residue from dry melting in the Archaean.
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