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引用本文:马晓群, 张辉. 近30年安徽省地表干湿时空变化及对农业影响. 应用气象学报, 2007, 18(6): 783-790.
作者姓名:马晓群 张辉
作者单位:安徽省气象科学研究所 安徽省大气科学与卫星遥感重点实验室, 合肥 230031
摘    要:采用FAO Penman-Monteith模型, 并利用安徽省辐射观测资料对其净辐射项进行修正, 计算近30年安徽省的参考作物蒸散量。用此计算值和相应时段的降水量计算干燥度 (Ia), 并进行了基于干燥度指标不同时间尺度的区域地表干湿状况变化分析。分析表明:1971—2000年安徽省年干燥度平均值Ia=1的等值线为湿润区和半湿润区的分界线, 该分界线与1000 mm的年雨量线有很好的一致性, 同时也具有清晰的农业意义。20世纪70—90年代Ia=1的等值线南北波动, 其波动区域正是安徽省江淮分水岭易旱区。在此基础上分析了半湿润区、波动区域和湿润区降水量、参考作物蒸散量和干燥度年代际、年际和半年际的变化趋势及变异率以及逐月干旱频率及其对农业的影响。

关 键 词:参考作物蒸散量   FAO Penman-Monteith模型   干燥度指数

Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Dry/Wet Land Surface in Anhui Province with Their Impacts on Agriculture in Recent 30 Years
Ma Xiaoqun, Zhang Hui. Spatial and temporal characteristics of dry/wet land surface in Anhui Province with their impacts on agriculture in recent 30 years. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2007, 18(6): 783-790.
Authors:Ma Xiaoqun  Zhang Hui
Affiliation:Anhui Meteorological Institute, Anhui Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Science and Satellite Remote Sensing, Hefei 230031
Abstract:The reference evapotranspiration(ET0) in Anhui for the period from 1971 to 2000 is calculated using FAO Penman-Monteith equation,in which the term of net radiation is modified utilizing the observation data of radiation in Anhui.Aridity index(Ia) is calculated by ET0 and precipitation of the same period,and variation of area land surface arid and humid condition and its impact on agriculture are analyzed based on aridity index in different time scales.The results indicate that the isoline of Ia=1 is the boundary of the humid and semi-humid zones,and it has a good consistency with the isoline of 1000 mm annual precipitation.Also,the isoline has clear agricultural meaning.The isoline(Ia=1) fluctuates in the direction of south and north during 1970s,1980s and 1990s,and this fluctuant zone is just Jianghuai watershed where is apt to drought and waterlog.Temporal variation of land surface arid and humid condition in Anhui shows obvious regional characteristics.On the one hand,because of temporal variation trends of the precipitation and the reference evapotranspiration,aridity indices present significant increasing trend in fluctuant zone,and significant decreasing trend in semi-humid and humid zones.On the other hand,influenced by great interannual variability of precipitation,interannual variability of aridity indices is also great,which is most remarkable in the fluctuant zone,and second remarkable in semi-humid zone.Therefore,drought is the most serious menace in the fluctuant zone;and drought and waterlog both exist in the semi-humid and humid zones,which are remarkable in 1990s.Temporal variations of land surface arid and humid condition root mostly in summer half year in each region.Temporal variation of land surface arid and humid condition affects increasingly on agriculture in each district.In semi-humid zone,affected by the water shortage and high rainfall variability,the frequencies of summer waterlog,summer-autumn and autumn-winter drought are quite high.In Jianghuai watershed liable-drought fluctuant zone the variation trends of precipitation and aridity index are opposite to those of the other two areas,the rice and autumn harvested crops are threatened by drought evidently.In humid zone,although the average condition is humid,variations of precipitation and aridity index are even high than those of the semi-humid area in summer half year and the frequencies of drought are increasing.The normal growth of rice and semi-tropical fruit trees is threatened increasingly by seasonal droughts.Anhui belongs to the transition area of semi-humid and humid zones.The spatial and temporal characteristics of land surface arid and humid condition in Anhui Province are thoroughly analyzed.The results are useful to understand the variation of semi-humid and humid climate and its influences,as well as to guide the agriculture.Limited by data,the variation of semi-humid and humid is only discussed in the recent 30 years.In fact,the variation of land surface arid and humid condition status is a gradual process.The analysis on data of a longer time period helps to get the more scientific and objective results.Therefore,it is very necessary to keep on complementing the data for a long-time research.
Keywords:reference evapotranspiration  FAO Penman-Monteith model  aridity index
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