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New biostratigraphic data for the Chikkim Formation (Cretaceous, Tethyan Himalaya, India)
Authors:R.J. Bertle  T.J. Suttner
Affiliation:aInstitute of Geological Sciences, Geozentrum, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria;bDepartment of Paleontology, Geozentrum, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Abstract:The Chikkim Formation as exposed in the Tethyan Himalaya (India) has been studied at its type locality, using planktonic foraminifera for a detailed biostratigraphic elaboration. Divided into two members, the Lower and Upper Chikkim members, this formation ranges in age from Albian to early Maastrichtian(?), and reaches a maximum thickness of 150 m. Examination of thin sections has yielded 34 species of foraminifera in five genus-level assemblages. The Lower Chikkim Member is about 55 m thick; its basal portion is of Albian age based on the presence of Biticinella breggiensis and Planomalina buxtorfi. At 26 m above the base, Whiteinella archaeocretacaea documents OAE 2 (Oceanic Anoxic Event 2), and thus the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary in this section. The carbonate sequence is capped by a Santonian-age hardground with iron oxide crusts and bioturbation. Macrofossils, including belemnites (at the base) and irregular echinoids (upper part), are present. The basal carbonaceous marls of the Upper Chikkim Member yield both large (benthic) rotaliid as well as planktonic foraminifera (Globotruncanita elevata, Gl. stuartiformis, Gl. stuarti, Gansserina gansseri and others), indicating a Campanian age. The co-occurrence of Gl. elevata and G. gansseri in a single thin section results either from condensation or reworking in the basal part of the Upper Chikkim Member. Late Cretaceous index foraminifera such as Gl. elevata document deposition within the Tethyan Realm. The original thickness of the Upper Chikkim Member is uncertain, but would have been around 100 m; the unit appears markedly reduced through weathering at a height of about 5000 m above sea level. Equivalent sediments are exposed in the Zanskar area to the northwest, and in Nepal and Tibet. Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (CORBs) are probably missing due to the proximality of these pelagic settings.
Keywords:Cretaceous   Tethyan Himalaya   India   Chikkim Formation   Stratigraphy   Planktonic foraminifera
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