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Computer analysis of regional groundwater flow and boundary conditions in the basin of Mexico
Authors:Adrian Ortega G.  R.N. Farvolden  

a Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

b Waterloo Centre for Groundwater Research, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont. N2L 3G1, Canada

Abstract:Mexico City is situated in the Valley of Mexico on the extensive lacustrine clays that overlay highly productive aquifers of both volcanic and sedimentary origin. The Valley is closed by volcanic mountains. The natural hydraulic boundary conditions associated withe mountain ranges and their relationship to the important aquifers were studied using a two-dimensional, steady-state finite-element model in cross section. Four cross sections were analysed under hydrologic conditions existing prior to the large scale pumping of the aquifers. Factors such as bulk hydraulic conductivities and regional infiltration rates were obtained from field observations and the literature to assess location of the associated groundwater divides, and the water-table in the mountains. The modeled flow patterns are consistent with the historical hydrologic records piezometric characteristics and observed surface features of the groundwater in the Basin of Mexico. From the modeling results, the groundwater recharge in the mountains is 30–50% of the mean average precipitation. Higher and lower rates result in a flow regime that is not compatible with field observations. In general the location of the divides in the mountains is displaced towards the Valley of Mexico, which influences the groundwater budget of the Valley. The water table in places is several hundred metres below ground surface, in accordance with field observations of a very thick unsaturated zone. Before major aquifer exploitation began about 50 years ago, 40–50% of the total discharge into the Valley was by upward flow through the lacustrine deposits. The best results were obtained using a subsurface distribution of hydrostratigraphic units based on recently published geological interpretations.
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