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Simple model for long-range forecasts of AT500 hPa level fluctuations
Authors:Franti?ek Pechala  Reviewer O Zikmunda
Institution:(1) Institute of the Physics of the Atmosphere, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary A forecast model to predict the fluctuations of level AT 500 hPa in a selected grid of points is derived. The solution of the compensation equation is sought in the form of a trigonometric polynomial in three idependent variables. It constitutes the basis of a numerical solution of the prediction problem with the use of a high-speed computer. A three-month forecast of the altitude fluctuation of level 500 hPa is evaluated by means of the daily values of the correlation coefficient. The results are satisfactory and the general evaluation shows the model to be prospective.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Vcyycyvcyocy¶rt;umscyyacy nrcyocyncyocyscymuchcyiecyscykcyayacy mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy ¶rt;lcyyacy nrcyocyncyocyzcya kcyocylcyiecybcyancyuubreve vcyycyscyocymycy AT 500Pcya vcy vcyycybcyrcyancyncyocyubreve vcyycychcyuscylcyumiecylcysoftcyncyocyubreve scyiecymkcyiecy mocychcyiecykcy. Rcyiecyshcyiecyncyuiecy ucyrcyavcyncyiecyncyuyacy kcyocymcyniecyncyscyatscyuu ushchcyiecymscyyacy vcy vcyu¶rt;iecy mrcyuocyncyocy mcyiecymrcyuchcyiecyscykcyocyocy nocylcyuncyocymcya ocym mrcyiecykhcy ncyiecyzcyavcyuscyumcyycykhcy niecyrcyiecymcyiecyncyncyycykhcy. Ocyncy yacyvcylcyyacyiecymscyyacy ocyscyncyocyvcyocyubreve chcyuscylcyiecyncyncyocyocy rcyiecyshcyiecyncyuyacy nrcyocyncyocyscymuchcyiecyscykcyocyubreve zcya¶rt;achcyu ncya EcyVcyMcy. Pcyrcyuvcyocy¶rt;umscyyacy ocytscyiecyncykcya mrcyiecykhcymcyiecyscyyacychcyncyocyocy nrcyocyncyocyzcya kcyocylcyiecybcyancyuubreve vcyycyscyocymycy ucyrcyocyvcyncyyacy 500Pcya nrcyu nocymcyocyshchcyu scyucymocychcyncyycykhcy zcyncyachcyiecyncyuubreve kcyocyecyfcyfcyutscyuiecyncyma kcyocyrcyrcyiecylcyyacytscyuu. Rcyiecyzcyucylcyycymamycy yacyvcylcyyacyyucymscyyacy bcylcyaocynrcyuyacymncyycymcyu, u nrcyu ocybcyshchcyiecyubreve ocytscyiecyncykcyiecy mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy nrcyiecy¶rt;scymavcylcyyacyiecymscyyacy niecyrcyscyniecykcymuvcyncyocyubreve.

List of symbols used agr* coupling coefficient between two conjugate atmospheric elements - aleph* ageostrophicity coefficient of the atmospheric system - lambda Coriolis' parameter (lambda=2OHgr sinphiv) - phiv, lambda* geographic latitude, geographic longitude - PHgr*,PHgr geopotential reference and pressure levels - ohgr, ohgr* compensation and coupling frequencies - Sgr integration field over the entire atmospheric system - A** constant (A*=2lambda 2(aleph*+agr*)) - A r ,B r ,C r ,D r constants related to subsystem -r- - A s ,B s ,C s ,D s constants related to subsystem -s- - B** constant (B**=lambda 4(aleph*2+2aleph*agr*)) - C r constant (i=1, 2, 3, 4) - E k ,E v ,E p energies of the atmospheric system: kinetic, internal and potential - K transformation constant - m total number of generalized frequencies - R(T) frequency characteristics of the numerical band filter - r0(t),r1(t) daily values of the correlation coefficient - Q heat - x, y coordinates in the reference plane - t time - nabla p 2 Laplace's differential operator in thep-system
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