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Chronic exposure of adults and embryos of Pandalus borealis to oil causes PAH accumulation, initiation of biomarker responses and an increase in larval mortality
Authors:René  e Katrin Bechmann,Bodil Katrine Larsen,Ingrid Christina Taban,Per Mø  ller
Affiliation:a International Research Institute of Stavanger/IRIS-Biomiljø, Mekjarvik 12, 4070 Randaberg, Norway
b Technical University of Denmark, Dept. of Systems Biology, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
c University of Stavanger, Faculty of Science and Technology, N-4036 Stavanger, Norway
Abstract:Adult shrimps (Pandalus borealis) and their embryos were exposed to an oil-water dispersion (OWD) at concentrations of 0.015, 0.06 and 0.25 mg/L using a continuous flow system. Lysosomal membrane stability was analysed in haemocytes using the neutral red retention assay and an alkaline unwinding assay was used to measure DNA damage in hepatopancreas tissue. Exposure to oil induced concentration and time dependent biomarker responses in adult shrimps together with the accumulation of PAH in their tissues. Oil exposure of shrimp embryos caused increased mortality in the resultant larvae, even if the larvae were kept in clean water after hatching. There were minor differences observed in larval stage development times in the first part of the experiments. The fatty acid composition of embryos exposed to oil was different to that of non-exposed larvae. PAH tissue concentration and biomarker responses correlated to the reduced survival of the shrimp larvae.
Keywords:Oil-water dispersion (OWD)   Pandalus borealis   Embryo   Larvae   Biomarkers   PAH
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