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Geochemical Evolution and Unusual Pyroxene Chemistry of the MD Tholeiite Dyke Swarm from the Archaean Craton of Southern West Greenland
Authors:HALL, R. P.   HUGHES, D. J.   FRIEND, C. R. L.
Affiliation:1Department of Geology, Portsmouth Polytechnic Burnaby Road, Portsmouth PO1 3QL, England
2Department of Geology & Physical Sciences, Oxford Polytechnic Headington, Oxford OX3 OBP, England
Abstract:The MD dyke swarm is composed of four generations of large basictholeiite dykes which cut the entire Archaean craton of southernWest Greenland. The four successive generations (MD1, MD2, MD3a,MD3b) are characterized by their orientation and cross-cuttingrelationships and by their mineralogy, texture and progressivelyevolved tholeiitic chemistry. Rare-earth element (REE) abundancessuggest that the dykes may have a fairly complex petrogeneticevolution. The suite varies from early (MD1) heteradcumulatenorites to ophitic and sub-ophitic gabbroic and doleritic rocks(MD2 and MD3) and the youngest generation (MD3b) comprises plagioclase-phyricdolerites. The pyroxene chemistry parallels the geochemical evolution ofthe dykes showing an overall Fe-enrichment trend. However, theclinopyroxenes are enigmatic in that, although they occur predominantlyas part of medium and coarse-grained holocrystalline textures,they are chemically highly variable and calcium-poor, many plottingin the metastable field in the system MgSiO3 (En)-CaSiO3 (Wo)-FeSiO3(Fs). Many individual grains are extremely complex and may beregularly or irregularly zoned. Along with more typical pyroxene forms, the MD1 dykes containpyroxene dendrites poikilitically enclosed by plagioclase. Thedendrites vary compositionally from hypersthene bases to branchesof pigeonite and subcalcic augite and terminate in augite branchtips. The MD2 and MD3a dyke pyroxenes are the most complex.The majority of them are sub-ophitic grains, many with successivezones of orthopyroxene, pigeonite, subcalcic augite, augiteand ferroaugite. However, Ca-enrichment or Ca-depletion, Fe-enrichmentor Fe-depletion and apparently opposing zoning trends can occurin neighbouring grains. Even small interstitial pyroxenes showa very wide range of compositions. Morphologically unusual andcomplex clinopyroxene ‘cylinders’ occur in someof the MD3a dykes. They are chemically relatively uniform andare normal tholeiitic augites. The MD3b rocks have small concentricallyzoned sub-ophitic pyroxenes which show Ca-enrichment with arelatively constant Fs component (29 to 39 mol. per cent). Themost extremely zoned grains have hypersthene cores with successivecoronas of pigeonite and subcalcic augite and have margins ofaugite or ferroaugite. The present ‘coexistence’of such compositionally widely variable pyroxenes and the extremeand often irregular nature of their chemical zoning make thedetermination of true original coexisting pyroxene phases andthe use of a two pyroxene geothermometer very difficult andof limited significance. The presence of a wide variety of pyroxenes of apparently bothstable and metastable compositions in these holocrystallinedykes suggests that these rocks have undergone a complex andrather unusual cooling history. The principal genetic factorswhich could have influenced their crystallization are (1) supercooling,(2) the evolution of discrete interstitial liquid cells, (3)augite-pigeonite peritectic reactions and (4) plagioclase growthand delay of pyroxene nucleation during supercooling of liquidto below the basalt liquidus.
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