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Transition from frontal accretion to underplating in a part of the Nankai Trough Accretionary Complex off Shikoku (SW Japan) and extensional features on the lower trench slope
Authors:Jeremy Leggett  Yutaka Aoki  Takefumi Toba
Affiliation:Department of Geology, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London SW7 2BP, UK;JAPEX Geoscience Institute Inc., Akasaka, Tokyo 107, Japan;Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd, Tokyo 107, Japan
Abstract:Migrated multichannel seismic reflection profiles and bathymetry from a 200 × 120 km area of the Nankai Trough inner slope reveal three physiographic-tectonic domains on the lowermost slope. Linear ridges demarking laterally-continuous hangingwall anticlines above ramps in a relatively simple imbricate stack of trench turbidites characterize the western domain. An imbricate fan underlies a relatively flat structural terrace in the east. Between these two domains lies a compound knoll (Minami Muroto Knoll) some 40 km long, opposite which the thrust front pushes some 10 km further seaward than is the case in the domains to east and west. In the western ‘linear-ridge’ domain previous DSDP drilling penetrated turbiditic trench fill uplifted in the lowermost thrust-fold terrace above a decollement within the underthrusting Shikoku Basin (oceanic plate) sequence. The Shikoku Basin sequence in the western domain is divided into an upper, poorly reflective, hemipelagic claystone unit and a lower, strongly reflective, unit comprising Pliocene turbidites. The lower unit is traceable intact up to c.20 km landward below the lower trench slope and in the better resolved profiles the decollement lies along the base of the claystone unit. A similar decollement within the Shikoku Basin sequence in the eastern domain is traceable up to c.22 km landward. A critical seismic record crossing the western part of Minami-Muroto Knoll shows that the decollement is traceable only 8 km landward to a point, under the steep slope at the front of the knoll, landward of which the subducting Shikoku basin sequence is apparently thickened by as much as twice. This thickening, occuring as it does immediately along-strike from a simple imbricate fan to the east of the knoll and a relatively simple imbricate stack to the west (both evidently involving no strata from the lower Shikoku Basin unit) we ascribe to underplating by formation of duplexes of Shikoku Basin strata. Strike-parallel extension, akin to that postulated for high structural levels in certain thrust belts, is caused by uplift of the knoll as a result either of the underplating, or segmentation of the subducting oceanic crust, or both: a normal fault throws to the west off the west flank of the knoll. It bounds a transverse, trough-like, slope-basin with at least 900 m of fill. Upslope from the knoll broadly slope-parallel normal faults cut, and pond, recent slope sediments. The most impressive is a listric growth fault which dips trenchward. Alternative explanations for these involve extensional collapse of this part of the prism resulting from the subduction of a topographic high, or a zone of selective underplating below the trenchward portion of Minami Murato Knoll.
Keywords:Subduction  Accretion  Underplating  Thrust tectonics  Extensional tectonics
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