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Scattering in the Atmosphere of Venus. I. Line profiles and curves of growth for isotropic scattering
Authors:L.D.G. Young  George W. Kattawar
Affiliation:Department of Physics, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas 77843, USA
Abstract:We have computed line profiles and curves of growth for both reflected and transmitted radiation for typical lines in CO2 bands (in the photographic infrared) which occur in the spectrum of Venus. In our model the pressure variation with altitude was considered and the base of the cloud deck was set at the 2 bar level. The temperature was held constant at 250K and a Voigt profile was used for the lineshape. We also assumed that the scale height of the cloud particles was equal to the scale height of the gas. The calculations were made for four values of the scattering optical thickness (τc = 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 100) using a continuum single scattering albedo ωc = 0.9975 (which gives a Bond albedo of 0.896 for τc = 100, the value observed for Venus at these wavelengths). Curves of growth are also presented for reflected radiation which has been averaged over the visible disk for three values of the Venus phase angle (0, 86, and 166°).
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