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Nd and Sr isotopic systematics of central Australian granulites: chronology of crustal development and constraints on the evolution of lower continental crust
Authors:Dónal P. Windrim  Malcolm T. McCulloch
Affiliation:(1) BHP Minerals Exploration Department, P.O. Box 860, 5067 Norwood, S.A., Australia;(2) Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, 2601 Canberra, A.C.T., Australia
Abstract:Nd and Sr isotopic data are reported for a granulite terrain in the Proterozoic Arunta Block of Central Australia. Sm-Nd data from a wide range of rock types define a crust formation age of 2,070±125 Ma and provide further evidence for voluminous crustal growth in the Proterozoic. An epsivNd value of +1.5±0.8 indicates a depleted mantle source for this crustal segment and there is no evidence for a large component of significantly older sialic crust. Field relationships, geochemistry and Rb-Sr data for mafic and felsic granulites indicate that intracrustal differentiation and polyphase deformation were followed by granulite facies metamorphism (Rb depletion) at sim1,800 Ma. Rb-Sr data for strongly retrogressed granulites define an age of sim1,700 Ma which is interpreted as the time of retrograde biotite growth. Partial melting at the presently exposed crustal level and anatexis at deeper crustal levels were broadly coeval with the retrograde metamorphism. Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isotopic systematics of minerals indicate that the terrain cooled slowly, did not experience significant uplift until sim1,000 Ma and remained at temperatures above 320° C until the late Palaeozoic. The mineral data are consistent with geological relationships and petrological evidence for a prolonged period of isobaric cooling followed by uplift late in the metamorphic evolution of the terrain. The granulite protoliths appear to have formed in a rift which closed within sim280 Ma of initial separation. Deformation and granulite facies metamorphism at sim1,800 Ma are interpreted to be a consequence of collision between the continental blocks which defined the rift. Regional retrogression and granitoid magmatism at sim1,700 Ma are attributed to underthrusting of the granulites by lower grade rocks in the final stages of collision. Subsequent events in the cooling and uplift history appear to have been controlled by the presence of long-lived major faults in the crust and a prolonged history of episodic compression in the continental lithosphere. The results of this study suggest that granulite terrains, in general, cannot be equated with lower continental crust but instead represent assemblages of (mainly) supracrustal rocks which in some instances have been involved in major collision events.Abbreviations Opx orthopyroxene - Cpx clinopyroxene - Plag plagioclase - Hb hornblende - Ox opaque oxide - Bi biotite - Ap apatite - Zir zircon - Gt garnet - 2°CA secondary clinoamphibole - Qtz quartz - Ol olivine - Sp spinel - Se serpentine - Ep epidote - Kf alkali feldspar - Mz monazite - Sph sphene - Sill sillimanite - Rut rutile - Cd cordierite - Sphal sphalerite - Ms muscovite - Act actinolite - Cc calcite - Scap scapolite - Cor corundum - Xen xenotime - Sapph sapphirine - Ged gedrite - All allanite - Clh clinohumite - Dol dolomite - Mt magnetite - Ghn gahnite - Gal galena
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