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Chemostratigraphy of lava sequences from the Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt,Bahia State,Brazil
Authors:A Kishida  L Riccio
Institution:1. Rio Doce Geologia e Mineracão (Docegeo), Rua Guadulajara 20, Barra, Salvador, Bahia, C.E.P. 40.000 Brazil;2. Ontario Geological Survey, Precambrian Section, 77 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario Canada
Abstract:The Rio Itapicuru greenstone terrain of north-central Bahia State consists of belts of supracrustal rocks surrounding granitic plutons and domes. The basal supracrustal rocks are predominantly massive metabasalts with minor amounts of intercalated chemical sedimentary rocks and mafic tuffs. They are overlain by a middle unit of intermediate to acid pyroclastic rocks, lavas, and volcaniclastic sediments, and an upper unit of greywackes, sandstones and conglomerates.A geochemical study of major and trace elements of the volcanic rocks indicates the existence of a chemical discontinuity between the basaltic and the acid to intermediate members. The basalts are typical tholeiites with Ti, Zr, Sr, Y and Nb contents analogous to those of modern ocean-floor tholeiites or, alternatively, low-K tholeiites of primitive island arcs. In contrast, compositional variations of the hornblende-bearing andesites and dacites fall along indisputably calc-alkaline trends of low FeO and TiO2 contents which decrease with increasing differentiation. The lithostratigraphic and chemical variations within lavas of the Rio Itapicuru greenstone are comparable to those described from the Western Australian greenstone belts. Only in greenstone belts of the Canadian type do thick calc-alkaline sequences containing abudant basaltic andesites overlie conformably and transitionally the underlying tholeiitic basalts. Elsewhere the calc-alkaline sequences, if present, do not contain basaltic andesites and are chemically unrelated to the underlying basalts.
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