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Regularized orbit models unveiling the stellar structure and dark matter halo of the Coma elliptical NGC 4807
Authors:J. Thomas  R. P. Saglia  R. Bender  D. Thomas  K. Gebhardt  J. Magorrian  E. M. Corsini   G. Wegner
Affiliation:Universitätssternwarte München, Scheinerstraße 1, D-81679 München, Germany;Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstraße, D-85748 Garching, Germany;Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, C1400, Austin, TX78712, USA;Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP;Dipartimento di Astronomia, Universitàdi Padova, vicolo dell'Osservatorio 2, I-35122 Padova, Italy;Department of Physics and Astronomy, 6127 Wilder Laboratory, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3528, USA
Abstract:This is the second in a series of papers dedicated to unveiling the mass structure and orbital content of a sample of flattened early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster. The ability of our orbit libraries to reconstruct internal stellar motions and the mass composition of a typical elliptical in the sample is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations of isotropic rotator models. The simulations allow a determination of the optimal amount of regularization needed in the orbit superpositions. It is shown that under realistic observational conditions and with the appropriate regularization, internal velocity moments can be reconstructed to an accuracy of ≈15 per cent; the same accuracy can be achieved for the circular velocity and dark matter fraction. In contrast, the flattening of the halo remains unconstrained. Regularized orbit superpositions are applied to a first galaxy in our sample, NGC 4807, for which stellar kinematical observations extend to  3  r eff  . The galaxy seems dark-matter dominated outside   r > 2  r eff  . Logarithmic dark matter potentials are consistent with the data, as well as NFW profiles, mimicking logarithmic potentials over the observationally sampled radial range. In both cases, the derived stellar mass-to-light ratio ϒ agrees well with independently obtained mass-to-light ratios from stellar population analysis. The achieved accuracy is  Δϒ≈ 0.5  . Kinematically, NGC 4807 is characterized by mild radial anisotropy outside   r > 0.5  r eff  , becoming isotropic towards the centre. Our orbit models hint at either a distinct stellar component or weak triaxiality in the outer parts of the galaxy.
Keywords:stellar dynamics    galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD    galaxies: kinematics and dynamics    galaxies: structure
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