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On latitudinal variations of temporal characteristics of the VLF chorus in the upper ionosphere
Authors:Franti?ek Ji?í?ek  Pavel T?íska  E E Titova  T A Yakhnina  O A Maltseva  Reviewer S Fischer
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Boccaronní II, 141 31 Praha 4-Sporcaronilov., CcaronSSR;(2) Polar Geophysical Institute, Cola Branch Acad. Sci. of the USSR, 184200 Apatity, USSR;(3) Physical Institute, Rostov Univ., 344090 Rostov/Don, USSR
Abstract:Summary The elements of the VLF chorus, observed simultaneously at a ground station and satellite in polar orbit, can be used to determine the differences in the arrival times of waves Deltatau and their dependence on latitude. Mostly Deltatau does not change practically over a wide range of latitudes, however, in some cases it may increase appreciably at low value of L. Model computations of the propagation time, based on the assumption that the source of the chorus is located close to the equatorial plane, have indicated the possibility of explaining the increase in Deltatau at low latitudes by the presence of a step in the electron density profile close to this plane.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Ocyocyncyocyvcyrcyiecymcyiecyncyncyycyiecy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;iecyncyuyacy khcyocyrcyocyvcyycykhcy ecylcyiecymcyiecyncymocyvcy ncya Zcyiecymcylcyiecy u ncya ncyuzcykcyocylcyiecymyacyshchcyiecymcy scynucymncyukcyiecy scy nrcyunocylcyyacyrcyncyocyubreve ocyrcybcyumocyubreve nocyzcyvcyocylcyyacyyucym ocynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyumsoftcy rcyazcyncyocyscymu vcyrcyiecymcyiecyncy ukhcy nrcyukhcyocy¶rt;a Deltatau makcyzhcyiecy kcyakcy u ukhcy shcyurcyocymncyucyyucy zcyavcyuscyumcyocyscymsoftcy Deltatau(L). Vcy bcyocylcysoftcyshcyuncyscymvcyiecy scylcyucychcyaiecyvcy Deltatau ocychcyiecyncysoftcy mcyalcyocy mcyiecyncyyacyiecymscyyacy vcy bcyocylcysoftcyshcyocymcy ¶rt;uanazcyocyncyiecy shcyurcyocym, ncyocy vcy ncyiecykcyocymocyrcyycykhcy scylcyucychcyayacykhcy ncyabcylcyyucy¶rt;aiecymscyyacy zcyncyachcyumiecylcysoftcyncyocyiecy ucyvcyiecylcyuchcyiecyncyuiecy Deltatau ncya mcyalcyycykhcy L-ocybcyocylcyocychcykcyakhcy. Rcyascychcyiecym vcyrcyiecymcyiecyncy rcyascynrcyocyscymrcyancyiecyncyuyacy vcy nrcyiecy¶rt;nocylcyocyzhcyiecyncyuu ecykcyvcyamocyrcyualcysoftcyncyocygcyocy uscymocychcyncyukcya OcyNcyCHcy khcyocyrcyocyvcy nocykcyazcyycyvcyaiecym vcyocyzcymcyocyzhcyncyocyscymsoftcy ocybcyyacyscyncyumsoftcy ucyvcyiecylcyuchcyiecyncyuiecy Deltatau ncya ncyuzcykcyukhcy shcyurcyocymakhcy ncyalcyuchcyuiecymcy scymucyniecyncysoftcykcyu vcy rcyascynrcyiecy¶rt;iecylcyiecyncyuu ecylcyiecykcymrcyocyncyncyocyubreve kcyocyncytscyiecyncymrcyatscyuu vcy ecykcyvcyamocyrcyualcysoftcyncyocyubreve nlcyocyscykcyocyscymu.
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