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Geochemical and isotopic characteristics and evolution of the Jurassic volcanic arc between Arica (18°30′S) and Tocopilla (22°S), North Chilean Coastal Cordillera
Authors:Wolfgang Kramer  Wolfgang Siebel  Rolf L. Romer  Martin Zimmer
Affiliation:a GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
b TU Berlin, Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
Abstract:The present-day North Chilean Coastal Cordillera between 18°30′S and 22°S records an important part of the magmatic evolution of the Central Andes during the Jurassic. Calc-alkaline to subordinate tholeiitic members from four rock groups with biostratigraphically constrained age display incompatible element pattern characteristic of convergent plate-margin volcanism, whereas alkaline basalts of one group occurring in the Precordillera show OIB-type trace element signatures. The correlation of biostratigraphic ages, regional distribution, and composition of the volcanic rocks provides a basis for the discussion on geochemical evolution and isotope ratios.Major and trace element distributions of the volcanic rocks indicate their derivation from mantle-derived melts. LILE and LREE enrichments in calc-alkaline basaltic andesites to dacites and some of the tholeiites hint at the involvement of hydrous fluids during melting and mobile element transport processes. A part of the Early Bajocian to ?Lower Jurassic and Oxfordian andesites and dacites are adakite-like rocks with a substantial participation of slab melt and are characterized by high Sr/Y ratios and low HREE contents. The Middle Jurassic tholeiitic and calc-alkaline basalts and basaltic andesites have been transported and partly stored within a system of deep-seated feeder fissures and crustal strike-slip faults before eruption.The isotopic composition of Sr (87Sr/86Sri=0.7032-0.7056) and Nd (εNdi=2.2-7.1) of the Jurassic volcanic rocks mostly fall in the range characteristic for mantle melts although some crustal components may have been involved. A few samples show slightly more radiogenic Sr isotopic composition, which is probably due to interaction with ancient sea-water. The Pb isotopic composition of the arc rocks is uncoupled from the isotopic composition of Sr and Nd and is dominated by the crustal component. Since the Cretaceous and Modern arc volcanic rocks show Pb isotopic compositions that can be largely explained by in situ Pb isotope growth of Jurassic arc volcanic rocks, we argue that the various Andean arc systems between 18°30′S and 22°S formed on the same type of basement.Most of the investigated samples have high Ba, Zr, and Th concentrations compared to island arc mafic volcanic rocks. About 20% of the Jurassic arc volcanics comprise of dacitic to rhyolitic rocks. These characteristics combined with the Pb isotopic composition that shows the influence of a Palaeozoic (or partly older) basement point to a continental margin setting for the North Chilean Jurassic arc. The distribution of the magmatic rocks throughout time, their textures, and the character of intercalated sedimentary rocks reflect westward movement of the magma sources and of the arc/back-arc boundary relative to the current coast line during the Early Bajocian on a broad front between 19°30′ and 21°S.
Keywords:Trace elements   Sr   Nd and Pb isotopes   Basaltic andesite   Alkaline basalt   Adakite   Jurassic arc   Tectonic setting   Coastal Cordillera   N-Chile
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