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Plankton origin of particulate dimethylsulfoniopropionate in a Mediterranean oligotrophic coastal and shallow ecosystem
Authors:Natacha Jean, G  rard Bog  , Jean-Louis Jamet, Dominique Jamet,Simone Richard
Affiliation:aUniversité du Sud Toulon-Var, Ecologie et Biologie des Milieux Aquatiques (EBMA), Laboratoire des Processus de Transfert et d'Echanges dans l'Environnement (PROTEE, EA 3819), BP 20132, 83957 La Garde Cedex, France
Abstract:We report here dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) levels as a function of plankton communities and abiotic factors over a 12-month cycle in the Mediterranean oligotrophic coastal and shallow ecosystem of Niel Bay (N.W. Mediterranean Sea, France). Total particulate DMSP (DMSPp) and DMS concentrations were highly seasonal, peaking during a spring (April) bloom at 8.9 nM and 73.9 nM, respectively. Significant positive correlations were found between total DMSPp concentration and the abundance or biomass of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum compressum (Spearman's rank correlation test: r = 0.704; p = 0.011). Similarly, DMS concentrations peaked during the development of blooms of P. compressum and Gymnodinium sp. There seemed to be a positive relationship between the chlorophyll a to pheopigment ratio and DMS concentrations, suggesting that DMS was released during phytoplankton growth. High DMS levels recorded in the shallow Niel Bay may also result from the activity of benthic macroalgae, and/or macrophytes such as Posidonia spp., or the resuspension of sulfur species accumulating in sediments. The fractionation of particulate DMSP into three size classes (>90 μm, 5–90 μm and 0.2–5 μm) revealed that 5–90 μm DMSP-containing particles made the greatest contribution to the total DMSPp pool (annual mean contribution = 62%), with a maximal contribution in April (96%). This size class consisted mainly of dinoflagellates (annual mean contribution = 68%), with P. compressum and Gymnodinium sp. the predominant species, together accounting for up to 44% of the phytoplankton present. The positive correlation between DMSP concentration in the 5–90 μm size class and the abundance of P. compressum (Spearman's rank correlation test: r = 0.648; p = 0.023) suggests that this phytoplankton species would be the major DMSP producer in Niel Bay. The DMSP collected in the >90 μm fraction was principally associated with zooplankton organisms, dominated by copepods (nauplii and copepodites). DMSP>90, not due to a specific zooplankton production, resulted from the phytoplankton cells ingested during grazing. The concomitant peaks of DMS concentration and zooplankton abundance suggest that zooplankton may play a role in releasing DMSP and/or DMS through sloppy feeding.
Keywords:DMSP   DMS   Mediterranean Sea   oligotrophic ecosystem   dinoflagellates
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