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There are no proper projections for use in geodetic work in a country which has great extensions both in latitude and longitude. For, if a single projection of any kind be applied in such a case, the linear and angular distortions would be so great at the boundary that it is very difficult or even impossible to apply the corrections to them. In order to render it possible for any projection to be applied, the area in question should be divided either into strips bounded by meridians or into zones bounded by parallels. In the former case the Transverse Mercator or Gauss’ projection may be used, while in the latter, the Lambert conformal projection is the most suitable. China is such a country as that mentioned above. It covers an area extending from 16°N. to 53°N. in latitude and of no less than sixty-five degrees in longitude. The problem of choosing a projection for geodetic work depends only on how the area is to be divided. It has been decided by the Central Land Survey of China to adopt the Lambert conformal projection as the basis for the co-ordinate system, and, in order to meet the requirements of geodetic work, the whole country is subdivided into eleven zones bounded by parallels including a spacing of 3½ degrees in latitude-difference. To each of these zones is applied a Lambert projection, properly chosen so as to fit it best. The two standard parallels of the projection are situated at one-seventh of the latitude-difference of the zone from the top and bottom. Thus, the spacing between the standard parallels is 2½ degrees. This gives a maximum value of the scale factor of less than one part in four thousand, thus reducing the distortions of any kind to a reasonable amount. The area between these parallels belongs to the zone proper, while those outside are the overlapping regions with the adjacent ones. All the zones can be extended indefinitely both eastwards and westwards to include the boundaries of the country.
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