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引用本文:牛海青,韩小锋,吴俊,王宝文,许海红,宋博,许伟. 甘蒙地区北山盆地群含煤系地层时代归属[J]. 地质科技通报, 2021, 40(6): 32-42. DOI: 10.19509/j.cnki.dzkq.2021.0621
作者姓名:牛海青  韩小锋  吴俊  王宝文  许海红  宋博  许伟
摘    要:甘蒙地区北山盆地群发育大量煤系地层,但由于构造演化期次复杂,地震、钻井及相关的古生物资料缺乏,导致煤系地层的时代归属一直存在争议,资源潜力尚未明确。为了明确北山盆地群含煤系地层的时代归属,进一步确定资源潜力,为研究区的能源资源勘探提供基础资料,在系统总结前人研究成果的基础上,以古生物年代学为抓手,以北山盆地群黑鹰山盆地、公婆泉盆地及中口子盆地煤系地层中丰富的孢粉、古生物资料为主要依据,结合煤系地层的岩石组合特征、煤岩工业特性、地震资料等证据对北山盆地群煤系地层时代归属进行了整体研究,重新厘定了北山盆地群煤系地层的时代归属。认为北山盆地群中各个盆地均发育了一套含煤层系,但这套含煤层系的时代归属并不相同,有的属侏罗纪、有的属白垩纪。仅北山盆地群最南部的中口子盆地南部区域以及盆地群最北部的黑鹰山盆地东部的含煤岩系为侏罗系,其他次级盆地的含煤岩系均属于白垩系。盆地群南部中口子盆地含煤岩系的归属问题呈现出和构造相一致的"南北差异",南缘出露煤系地层时代为中侏罗世,北部煤系地层时代为白垩纪。含煤层系归属问题的厘定为进一步确定盆地区的资源潜力提供了依据,可为北山盆地群含煤层系的原型盆地恢复及构造演化等研究提供参考。 

关 键 词:时代归属   煤系地层   孢粉   侏罗纪   北山盆地群

Age attribution of coal bearing strata in Beishan Basin Group,Ganmeng area
Abstract:A large number of coal bearing strata are developed in Beishan Basin Group of Ganmeng area.However, due to the complexity of tectonic evolution, lack of seismic, drilling and related paleontological data, the age of coal bearing strata has been controversial, and the potential of resources is not clear.On the basis of summarizing the previous research results, taking paleontology chronology as the starting point, combining the characteristics of rock assemblage, coal industrial characteristics, seismic data, outcrop data and other evidence, the age attribution of coal bearing strata in Beishan Basin Group is studied.According to the analysis of sporopollen paleontology, coal petrology industrial characteristics and stratigraphic contact relationship, it is considered that each basin of Beishan Basin Group has developed a set of coal bearing series, but the age of this coal bearing system is not the same.Some are Jurassic and some are Cretaceous, but the possibility of Triassic or Permian is ruled out.Only the coal bearing strata in the southern part of Zhongkouzi Basin in the southernmost part of Beishan Basin Group and the eastern part of Heiyingshan Basin in the northernmost part of the basins group are Jurassic, and the coal bearing rock series of other sub basins belong to Cretaceous.The coal bearing strata in Zhongkouzi Basin in the southern part of the basins group show a "North-South difference" consistent with the structure features.The age of the exposed coal bearing strata in the south is Middle Jurassic, and that in the north is Cretaceous.The classification of the coal bearing series provides a basis for further determining the resource potential of Beishan Basin Group, and provides a reference for the study of the prototype basin restoration and tectonic evolution of the coal bearing series in the Beishan Basin Group. 
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