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Stratigraphy and Petrology of the Mulcahy Lake Layered Gabbro: An Archean Intrusion in the Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario
Affiliation:1Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas 77058
2LEMSCO Houston, Texas 77058
3Lunar and Planetary Institute Houston, Texas 77058
Abstract:The Mulcahy Lake gabbro is an Archean layered intrusion of tholeiiticbulk composition located in the Wabigoon subprovince. The intrusionis 6 km thick at the thickest and is exposed over an area of63 km2. It intrudes basaltic to siliceous volcanics of the CrowLake-Savant Lake greenstone belt and is intruded by the Atikwabatholith. Zircon U-Pb data indicate crystallization at 27322+1·0/–0·9m·y. Principal phases are plagioclase, orthopyroxene, augite (andpigeonite in iron-rich rocks), olivine, hornblende and magnetite.Olivine is confined to several horizons. Apatite and then zirconare prominent accessory phases at advanced stages of fractionation.Plagioclase, pyroxenes and olivine are cumulate phases. Hornblendeis invariably an intercumulus phase. Magnetite is ubiquitousthroughout the intrusion, generally as a cumulate phase, andforms centimeter thick layers in fractionated rocks. Fractionationfollowed a tholeiitic trend with iron enrichment in the liquid. The intrusion is divided into lower, mixed, middle, upper andmarginal zones. The lower and middle zones are 2·0 and2·5 km thick respectively. The upper zone is approximately1 km thick, and the marginal zone is measured in hundreds ofmeters. A 200 m thick mixed zone is interposed between the lowerand middle zones. The base of the lower zone consists of ultramaficunits containing olivine of Fo82. The top of the zone has olivineof Fo28. Fractionation of the lower zone, from the floor up,was interrupted by the introduction of pristine liquid whichmixed with more dense and cooler residual liquid in the chamberto form the mixed zone. Further introduction of several minorpulses of liquid constructed the lower part of the middle zone.The upper part of the middle zone was constructed from a majorpulse of liquid plus several minor pulses each of which is representedby reversals in cryptic layering. The upper zone consists ofultramafic to iron-rich gabbro cumulates formed by cooling throughthe roof plus horizons formed by influx of pristine liquid.Marginal zone rocks represent cooling through the walls of theintrusion. Rhythmic layering is well developed in lower and middle zonecumulates. Petrofabric data show that orthopyroxene has a lineationin the plane of layering and parallel to structures suggestiveof flow. Plagioclase laths also have a preferred orientationin many cumulates and in unlayered gabbros as well. Flow, possiblylaminar, of liquid-crystal material is suggested and may belinked to the ultimate development of layering. Pressure during the course of crystallization probably was greaterthan 2 and less than 5 kb. Temperatures estimated from pyroxenesvaried from approximately 1200 to 1000 °C.fo2, is not wellconstrained but was sufficient to allow the formation of thinlocal magnetite cumulates late in the crystallization. The primarymelt was hydrous as indicated by the presence of hornblende.It is very unlikely that the melt was saturated with water duringcrystallization of the cumulate phases.
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