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Petrology of the Western Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland
Affiliation:1 Icelandic Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 5320. Reykjavik, Iceland
2 National Energy Authority Laugavegur 116, Reykjavik, Iceland
3 State University of New York 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, N.Y. 12222, U.S.A.
Abstract:The active tholeiitic volcanic zone of the Reykjanes Peninsulaconsists of five volcanic fissure swarms, the two westernmostof which are the subject of this petrological study. The recent(less than 12,000 years) extrusives of the swarms group morphologicallyand petrographically into small picrite basalt lava shields,large olivine tholeiite lava shields and tholeiite fissure lavas;formed in that chronological succession. The picrite basalts exhibit a primitive mineralogy with chromite,olivine (Fo 89) and plagioclase (An 90) as phenocrysts and mayrepresent a primary liquid from the mantle. Simultaneous crystallizationof olivine, plagioclase and augite to form glomerocrysts inthe fissure lavas indicate low pressure cotectic crystallizationconditions. Twenty-eight new major element chemical analyses of the lavasare presented. They are generally characterized by a low contentof alkalies and high CaO. The lavas constitute two main suites,a lava shield suite and a fissure lava suite. There is a positivecorrelation between the volume of individual lavas and the contentof incompatible elements of the lavas within each group. Likewisethere is an overall chemical trend through time demonstrated,for example, by a rise in K2O from about 0.02 per cent to 0.24per cent during the last, approximately, 12,000 years. There is an apparent chemical zoning within each volcanic swarmsuch that the most evolved and youngest lavas are found in thecentral axial area of the swarm. This central area is also characterizedby graben subsidence, high magnetic anomalies and high temperaturethermal areas, all indicative of shallow magma reservoir(s).In spite of indications of fractional crystallization in theevolution of the olivine tholeiites and tholeiites, some otherprocesses must be sought to explain the volume chemistry relations.Cyclic volcanic activity is tentatively suggested to explainthe observed regular temporal variations within the swarm, eachcycle starting with the formation of picrite basalts.
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