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Authors:Lai Shaocong
Abstract:The Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the Yumen and Hoh Xil area formed in the intracontinental orogenic belt, which primary magma originated from a particular enrichment upmantle and accreted crust\|mantle belt or directly originated from asthenosphere superface by partial melting of pyrolite.Through the deeply study of the Cenozoic volcanic rocks, the effective petrological constraints on the deep\|internal geology process can be obtained. And of course, it is the window for discussion the orogeny/uplift machinism of the Qinghai—Tibet plateau.1\ Brief regional geologyThe Yumen Cenozoic volcanic rock lithodistrict belongs to the north margin of Qinghai—Tibet plateau. This lithodistrict mainly consists of Hongliuxia and Hanxia volcanic rock bodies. The Hongliuxia Pleistocene epoch volcano neck is located to the northwest of Yumen City about 40km away, consisted of tephrite and trachybasalt. The boundary line between the volcano neck and the country rocks well defined and the contact plane is almost erect. The drag structure and wrinkle have been identified in the country rocks, which were due to the upthrusting of the magma. About 100 meters away to the south of the volcano neck, there is a basaltic flowage which covers on the Cretaceous—Tertiary shale and argillaceous sandstone.The Hanxia Cenozoic volcanic rock lithodistrict is located to the west of Yumen City about 15km away, which is a river valley extending into the north piedmont of Qilian Mountain. It dissected the Cretaceous—Tertiarystratigraphic sequence. The Cenozoic volcanic rock distributed in the Hanxia river valley is a lava flowage and NWW\|trending as a long lava dome.The Hoh Xil Cenozoic volcanic rock lithodistrict is located in the north part of Qinghai—Tibet plateau. The Cenozoic intensely intracontinental volcanism in this region had formed a number of lava sheets and subvolcanic rock bodies which were in different size and now present as lava platforms with about an elevation of 5000 meters. Affected by the preexisting NWW\|trending structure zones, there formed several NWW\|trending active\|volcano zones in the area during the Cenozoic era when the magma overflowed and/or intruded near to th e ground surface.
Keywords:Qinghai—Tibet plateau  Cenozoic era  volcanic rock  petrogenesis
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