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Petrogenesis of Cenozoic Basaltic Rocks from Jiangsu Province,China:Evidence from Geochemical Constraints
Authors:Yung-Tan LEE  Ju-Chin CHEN  Jyh-Yi SHIH  Kung-Suan HO  Huai-Jen YANG  Meng-Lung LIN  Yen-Tsui HU  Ching-Hsing CHIU  Tourism
Affiliation:School of Aletheia University,Tamsui 25103 2 Institute of Oceanography,National Taiwan University,Taipei 106 3 National Museum of Natural Science,Taichung 404 4 Department of Earth Sciences,National Cheng Kung University,Tainan 701 5 Sinotech Engineering Consultants Inc.,Taipei 114 6 Department of Tourism Management,Shih Chien University,Kaohsiung 845
Abstract:Cenozoic (Miocene to Pleistocene) basaltic rocks in Jiangsu province of eastern China include olivine tholeiite and alkali basalt. We present major, trace element and Sr‐Nd isotopic data as well as Ar‐Ar dating of these basalts to discuss the petrogenesis of the basalts and identify the geological processes beneath the study area. On the basis of chemical compisitions and Ar‐Ar dating of Cenonoic basaltic rocks from Jiangsu province, we suggest that these basalts may belong to the same magmatic system. The alkali basalts found in Jiangsu province have higher σFeO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, TiO2 and P2O5 and incompatible elements, but lower Al2O3 and compatible elements contents than olivine tholeiite which may be caused by fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene and minor plagioclase. In Jiangsu basaltic rocks the incompatible elements increase with decreasing MgO/σFeO ratios. The primitive mantle‐normalized incompatible elements and chondrite‐normalized REE patterns of basaltic rocks found in Jiangsu province are similar to those of OIB. Partial loss of the mantle Uthosphere accompanied by rising of asthenospheric mantle may accelerate the generation of the basaltic magma. The 143Nd/144Nd vs. 87Sr/86Sr plot indicates a mixing of a depleted asthenospheric mantle source and an EM1 component in the study area. According to Shaw's equation, the basalts from Jiangsu province may be formed by 1%–5% partial melting of a depleted asthenospheric mantle source. On the basis of Ar‐Ar ages of this study and the fractional crystallization model proposed by Brooks and Nielsen (1982), we suggest that basalts from Jiangsu province may belong to a magmatic system with JF‐2 as the primitive magma which has undergone fractional crystallization and evolved progressively to produce other types of basalts.
Keywords:Cenozoic basalts  geochemistry  Jiangsu Province  mantle process  Ar‐Ar dating
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