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Authors:   ZDO  AN YILMAZ
Abstract:A conventional velocity-stack gather consists of constant-velocity CMP-stacked traces. It emphasizes the energy associated with the events that follow hyperbolic traveltime trajectories in the CMP gather. Amplitudes along a hyperbola on a CMP gather ideally map onto a point on a velocity-stack gather. Because a CMP gather only includes a cable-length portion of a hyperbolic traveltime trajectory, this mapping is not exact. The finite cable length, discrete sampling along the offset axis and the closeness of hyperbolic summation paths at near-offsets cause smearing of the stacked amplitudes along the velocity axis. Unless this smearing is removed, inverse mapping from velocity space (the plane of stacking velocity versus two-way zero-offset time) back to offset space (the plane of offset versus two-way traveltime) does not reproduce the amplitudes in the original CMP gather. The gather resulting from the inverse mapping can be considered as the model CMP gather that contains only the hyperbolic events from the actual CMP gather. A least-squares minimization of the energy contained in the difference between the actual CMP gather and the model CMP gather removes smearing of amplitudes on the velocity-stack gather and increases velocity resolution. A practical application of this procedure is in separation of multiples from primaries. A method is described to obtain proper velocity-stack gathers with reduced amplitude smearing. The method involves a t2-stretching in the offset space. This stretching maps reflection amplitudes along hyperbolic moveout curves to those along parabolic moveout curves. The CMP gather is Fourier transformed along the stretched axis. Each Fourier component is then used in the least-squares minimization to compute the corresponding Fourier component of the proper velocity-stack gather. Finally, inverse transforming and undoing the stretching yield the proper velocity-stack gather, which can then be inverse mapped back to the offset space. During this inverse mapping, multiples, primaries or all of the hyperbolic events can be modelled. An application of velocity-stack processing to multiple suppression is demonstrated with a field data example.
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