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Runoff generation and sediment production on unpaved roads,footpaths and agricultural land surfaces in northern Thailand
Authors:Alan D. Ziegler  Ross A. Sutherland  Thomas W. Giambelluca
Abstract:Rainfall simulation was used to examine runoff generation and sediment transport on roads, paths and three types of agricultural fields in Pang Khum Experimental Watershed (PKEW), in mountainous northern Thailand. Because interception of subsurface flow by the road prism is rare in PKEW, work focused on Horton overland flow (HOF). Under dry antecedent soil moisture conditions, roads generated HOF in c. 1 min and have event runoff coefficients (ROCs) of 80 per cent, during 45 min, c. 105 mm h−1 simulations. Runoff generation on agricultural fields required greater rainfall depths to initiate HOF; these surfaces had total ROCs ranging from 0 to 20 per cent. Footpaths are capable of generating erosion‐producing overland flow within agricultural surfaces where HOF generation is otherwise rare. Paths had saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) values 80–120 mm h−1 lower than those of adjacent agricultural surfaces. Sediment production on roads exceeded that of footpaths and agricultural lands by more than eight times (1·23 versus < 0·15 g J−1). Typically, high road runoff volumes (owing to low Ks, c. 15 mm h−1) transported relatively high sediment loads. Initial road sediment concentrations exceeded 100 g l−1, but decayed with time as loose surface material was removed. Compared with the loose surface layer, the compacted, underlying road surface was resistant to detachment forces. Sediment concentration values for the road simulations were slightly higher than data obtained from a 165 m road section during a comparable natural event. Initial simulation concentration values were substantially higher, but were nearly equivalent to those of the natural event after 20 min simulation time. Higher sediment concentration in the simulations was related to differences in the availability of loose surface material, which was more abundant during the dry‐season simulations than during the rainy season natural event. Sediment production on PKEW roads is sensitive to surface preparation processes affecting the supply of surface sediment, including vehicle detachment, maintenance activities, and mass wasting. The simulation data represent a foundation from which to begin parameterizing a physically based runoff/erosion model to study erosional impacts of roads in the study area. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords:rainfall simulation  surface preparation  tropical geomorphology  southeast Asia  soil erosion
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